The finale to Andor's divisive first season has debuted, and whether Star Wars fans thought the series was a slow burn or not, there's no denying that the conclusion of its first season was as explosive as it gets. Now that Mon Mothma and Cassian have crossed the Rubicon and gone all in for the Rebellion, the second season promises even more political intrigue, cloak-and-dagger subterfuge, and gripping espionage.

As with many season finales, it offered more questions than answers as certain plotlines were left dangling. Redditors couldn't help but get On Program discussing what would happen in season 2, and how their favorite characters would change as they became deeper entrenched in the growing Rebellion against the Empire.

Will The Empire Cover Up The Uprising On Ferrix?

There's no doubt about it, the finale featuring a revolt on Ferrix was a standout sequence, but what will the Empire do about a small mining enclave staging an uprising? Will it be "the spark that lights the fire?" If so, the Empire might engage in some spin control coming directly from ISB.

RELATED: 10 Star Wars Actors Who Played More Than One RoleTheySleep_ILive notes, "The Ferrix Massacre. Wonder how that's going to play into season 2." Staging the revolt and subsequent massacre to look like a mining accident and cover-up would be the sort of response expected of an organization that must appear powerful at all times. But if Cassian's brush with the Empire in prison is any indication, the Empire is afraid and will reveal a weakness in its fear.

What Will Happen To Mon Mothma's Family Going Forward?

Mon Mothma has been a fascinating character to watch this season, especially as the last of her resolve to keep one foot out of the Rebellion has been utterly stripped away. Where first her hands were tied at the beginning of the series, then forced in the middle, she's now taken back some agency by the end of season 1 with all the hallmarks of one of the Rebellion's greatest leaders.

Mothma faced some hard choices, and after subverting suspicion and redirecting it towards her husband, one Redditor is "really curious to see how much more painful that can get for her." Another Redditor considered her husband's level of awareness; "I'm wondering if Perrin was part of her plan, or an unwitting accomplice?" Her home life could become even more unstable than it already is, but her character is one of the reasons this is a TV show that makes bureaucracy exciting.

How Will Luthen's Relationship With Andor And The Rebellion Change?

Luthen might have worried that with Cassian operating as a hired gun he could jeopardize his cover and give away secrets of the Rebellion, but as the season finale clearly shows, Cassian is committed to the cause. What will that do to their relationship going forward, and will Luthen begin to show remorse over the increasingly dangerous missions that will one day provoke the Galactic Civil War.

RELATED: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Star Wars: Andor, According To Reddit"Man, the scene with Luthen standing on the stairs, listening to the gunfire and screams in the distance was haunting," said Valnerium. "I wonder if he feels any guilt. He wanted the empire to go down hard so people would rise up… and it lead to a massacre." Luthen's ends always justify his means, but perhaps he will grow less cynical as the series progresses.

What's Next For Dedra And Syril?

ISB agent Dedra Meero worked so hard to set the trap and bait Axis that in her myopic determination, it never occurred to her, she could fail, and so spectacularly. But one person believed in her, and inadvertently performed a gallant rescue at her darkest hour, proving his unwavering devotion to her and her crusade - Syril Karn, one of the series' most sympathetic Imperial characters. So what's next for the Empire's dream team?

"I wonder just how functional of a team they will actually be?" wonders Rosebunse, no doubt referring to Dedra's single-minded fanaticism mixed with Syril's admiration of Dedra that borders on obsession. Will they complement one another or will their respective dogmatism get in the way?

Will Cassian Find His Sister?

In the very first episode of the series, Cassian was trying to locate his sister, but after running afoul of Marlona One security officers had to abandon his investigation until another time. After that, Aldhani snowballed into other situations that prevented him from tracking her down. Many fans have wondered if he'll ever pick up the trail again, or if he's moved on.

LEYW wondered, "But what about his sister?!" finale013 agreed. "Search for his sister was the whole start of all this and...nothing?" In many ways, his sister represented all of his anger against fascism and the reason he could become radicalized by something like the Rebel Alliance, so actually finding her may never be an endgame.

Why Is The Death Star Nearly Finished Ahead Of Season 2?

A poignant post-credits scene reveals what Cassian and his fellow inmates had been working on in prison; pieces of the super weapon that eventually kills him and countless other galactic citizens. From the brief scene, the Death Star looks nearly complete, but the period of time spanning season 2 will be four more years leading up to the events of Rogue One.

RELATED: The 10 Best Star Wars Rebels, Ranked By LoyaltyHow will the timeline of the Death Star's construction make sense? "Well, the empire still has to mine the kyber crystals out of Jedha," says CaptainVaughn66. "Perhaps that will be a plot point in season 2." It's entirely possible that the bulk of the Empire's weapon has been completed but it's super laser requires much more refinment.

Will A Fan Favorite Character Return?

Andor has a lot of likable characters, each well-developed enough to practically lead their own series, but one of the most compelling is Kino, played by Andy Serkis, whom Cassian befriends while in prison. Given everything that happened at the prison, is it likely that this fan-favorite character will pop up somewhere in season 2?

CM4Sci asks, "What happened to Kino??" and it's a sentiment that's been echoed by fans since Episode 10. In many ways, fans may not want to know what happened to Kino unless it's guaranteed to be something positive after all he sacrificed for the cause.

How Will Cassian Meet K2SO?

Cassian's best robo-friend prior to K2SO was B2, but fans have been eagerly waiting to see how he meets K2SO, something that's been saved for season 2. Some fans think their meeting will be a little more creative, and it may have already happened, at least in essence. "Does B2EMO go to become K2SO in some way? asks MaxSch, referring to the fact that B2's core processor might be installed in another model.

While that sort of fun twist would be memorable, it's the sort of low-hanging fruit that the writers don't seem to want to take. Besides, B2 left with Brasso and Cassian went to confront Luthen, and it could be some time before their paths cross again.

Will Andor's Ferrix Friends Join A Rebel Cell?

When Luthen takes a meeting with Saw Gerera, it's clear that the Rebel operative acts recklessly and plays by his own rules, but that's much the same for the rest of the Rebellion. At this stage, it's comprised of a bunch of sleeper cells, and Cassian's friends might end up joining one,

Some Redditors feel confident that Cassian's friends will join a Rebel cell and fight for the Rebellion. "Season 2 will defiantly having Cassian’s Ferrix buddies joining the rebellion and doing espionage against the empire," says SpicyMayo44. It'll be interesting to watch the Rebellion grow into a streamlined threat, and offer more opportunities for existing Star Wars characters to cameo in the process, such as Bail Organa.

Can Four Years Of Rebellion Be Crammed Into Season 2?

Season 1 takes place over the first year of Cassian's association with the Rebellion, but season 2 won't follow that formula, and instead stretches over several years leading up to the events of Rogue One. It seems like there will be a lot of material to cover, and fans are worried one season won't be enough to do it.

"This was really just the beginning, and I’m not sure how well the second season will flow when it crams 4 years into 12 episodes," says one Redditor, and it stands to reason that production will have to move quickly. Having seasons stretch on for years while Diego Luna ages would make it too difficult to imagine him looking the way he did in Rogue One.

NEXT: 12 Best Easter Eggs And Hidden Details You Might’ve Missed In Andor Season 1