One of the greatest pieces of Star Wars media ever made, Andor, has recently wrapped up its widely acclaimed first season. While the series was primarily driven by fascinating original characters like Luthen Rael and Dedra Meero, it also had plenty of compelling material for existing icons like Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, and the titular thief-turned-Rebel spy himself, Cassian Andor.

In the show’s upcoming second season, Redditors would love to see appearances by Star Wars legacy characters like Leia Organa and Emperor Palpatine in the context of this gritty, ground-level espionage thriller.

10 Galen Erso

Redditor u/Bellikron is hoping to see a different character from Rogue One in the second season of Andor: “I’d put more money on Galen Erso than Hera since he would probably be a lot closer to the story and the writers of this show have been pretty clear that they don’t want cameos just for the sake of it.”

Galen’s reluctant work for the Empire, designing the Death Star with a fatal flaw, is only glimpsed in flashbacks in Rogue One. Andor season 2 can show it in more detail – and more Mads Mikkelsen is never a bad thing.

9 Grand Admiral Thrawn

Although they admit it would be a long shot, Redditor u/ministryoftimetravel would like to see iconic Star Wars villain Grand Admiral Thrawn lurking around Coruscant in the second season of Andor: “I know it’s probably too much but Thrawn in Luthen’s shop admiring the artifacts would be really cool.”

Thrawn has been set up as the main villain of Ahsoka’s upcoming spin-off series, but he could make his long-awaited live-action debut in Andor season 2 instead.

8 Director Krennic

While Grand Moff Tarkin is unlikely to appear in Andor, Redditor u/Bellikron believes a similar role could be filled by Ben Mendelsohn’s Director Krennic: “Tarkin might also be a push due to the reaction to the Rogue One CG version. Krennic would probably be the more feasible option and could fulfill virtually the same role.”

Krennic was a memorable and sympathetic villain who just wanted credit for his hard work on the Death Star. His characterization is one of the things Rogue One got right.

7 Maz Kanata

Redditor u/AvatarIII writes that since Maz Kanata is centuries old when she’s introduced in the sequel trilogy – “I think she’s older than Yoda” – there’s plenty of room to explore her backstory. The Redditor writes, “She was around in every era [of the Star Wars timeline, so] I want to know what she was doing in the pre-New Republic era.”

Maz is one of the many characters who deserved more screen time in the Star Wars sequels. An appearance in Andor could flesh out her characterization.

6 Bail Organa

Given the show’s focus on Mon Mothma and the political dealings of the Imperial Senate, it seems likely that fellow politician-turned-Rebel Bail Organa will appear in Andor. Redditor u/Exatal123 writes, “I would love [to see] Bail [in Andor], because we could get a conversation with Bail and Mon about Padmé.”

The more Star Wars fans get to know Bail, the more heartbreaking the destruction of Alderaan becomes. An appearance in Andor season 2 could add to that tragic context.

5 Grand Moff Tarkin

While u/Bellikron thinks that an Andor appearance by Grand Moff Tarkin is unlikely, u/Beautiful-Ad2843 would still like to see the smarmy Imperial bureaucrat in season 2. It would be interesting to see a top-ranking Imperial like Tarkin in conversation with lower-level Andor Imperials like Dedra Meero and Syril Karn.

As u/Bellikron points out, the CG Tarkin was extremely controversial in Rogue One. To avoid similar controversy, Andor could just cast a new actor as Tarkin.

4 Jyn Erso

According to Redditor u/Vesemir96, “I want to see what Tony Gilroy can do with [Jyn Erso’s] character outside the constraints of the movie. He’s already elevated Cassian incredibly well.” When Jyn was introduced in Rogue One, a spoken list of her crimes ignored the “show, don’t tell” rule of storytelling.

In the second season of Andor, Gilroy and his talented team of writers can round out Jyn in the same way they’ve rounded out their title character.

3 Hera Syndulla

Since Andor is charting the early days of the Rebellion, some Star Wars fans are hoping to see characters from the Rebels animated series. Redditor u/NHRADeuce writes, “Mon Mothma gives her speech announcing the Rebellion from the bridge of Ghost, so it seems likely to get the Rebels crew [in Andor season 2].”

It’s possible that Lucasfilm is saving the live-action debut of Hera Syndulla and the Ghost crew for Ahsoka’s spin-off series. But they might throw fans a curveball and introduce them in Andor as a surprise.

2 Leia Organa

Redditor u/ChrisX26 writes, “I feel like Bail [Organa] is going to show up inevitably, which means Leia may be showing up too, but I also think they want to avoid bringing Leia in so that she doesn’t steal the spotlight. Maybe a series finale sort of thing with Mon, Bail, and Leia all together for ending Mon’s arc.”

A teenage Leia in Andor could bridge the gap between the 10-year-old Leia seen in Obi-Wan Kenobi and the young adult Leia from the original trilogy.

1 Emperor Palpatine

Some fans are hoping to see Darth Vader in Andor, but Redditor u/Bellikron “wouldn’t bet on Vader” showing up in season 2. However, they “could see a potential showing from the Emperor since he has a strong influence on the political side of things and was mentioned in season 1.”

An appearance by Palpatine wouldn’t just be cheap fan service. He plays a crucial role in the Imperial Senate, and having him show up at one of Mon Mothma’s political mixers to rub shoulders with elected officials would show a whole new side of the Emperor.

NEXT: Palpatine's 5 Best Moments From The Original Star Wars Trilogy (& 5 From The Prequels)