Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the most popular franchises around. With a live-action series remake in the works at Netflix and new animated projects coming from Avatar Studios, it seems that the franchise beloved by, so many will live on.

One of the best characters in the franchise, many have agreed, is Iroh, the wise uncle of Zuko and brother to Fire Lord Ozai. His kind nature and wisdom have led to a lot of character development from other characters in the series, most notably Zuko. Iroh is easily a standout character from the original cartoon - and these memes perfectly describe him.

Tea Lover

A recurring theme for Iroh over the course of the series is his love for tea, something that he takes with him even when he leaves the mortal plane for the Spirit World.

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Many episodes have shown Iroh's love for tea and his desire to spread that love to others. When he and Zuko reach Ba Sing Se, he even is able to open up a tea shop of his own, his lifelong dream. It is at this tea shop that he retires to following the war's end, selling tea to customers for the rest of his life. He enjoys serving tea to others and has even done so with people that have tried to do him harm.

A Fantastic Mentor

Iroh has done more than enough to prove himself as the best mentor in the franchise, so much so that many have wished to be him.

Multiple episodes have shown Zuko trying to figure out what Iroh would do in the situation and acting on his advice. Aang would also seek out Iroh's advice both in the show and in the follow-up comics. Iroh has a plethora of wisdom to give to anyone he feels like needs advice, and he'll do it in the same calm and caring way for everyone, no matter what the situation or who they are.

He Desires Peace But Always Gets Dragged Back Into War

While Iroh could've easily taken out the Fire Lord if he wanted to, his only desire is to find peace for himself and for Zuko.

He often doesn't fight if he doesn't have to, always trying to find a peaceful solution to the problem. However, it seems that he is always drawn back into fighting and defending himself. But those that try to defeat him have found that Iroh, behind the facade of a kindly old man, is a fierce warrior that still can outclass just about anyone that tries to take him down.

A Tragic Past

Behind the easy-going, kindly nature, Iroh is hiding a lifetime of suffering, pain, and ultimate regret.

Years before the start of the series, Iroh besieged the Earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing Se and may have very nearly conquered it. However, the death of his son, Lu Ten, changed everything for him. He lost his fighting spirit and abandoned the siege. Lu Ten's death had a profound impact on Iroh, and would eventually help him find balance within himself and to teach balance to others.

A Very Forgiving Man

Iroh is a source of wisdom and sound advice for Zuko throughout the series. Unfortunately, it takes time for Zuko to fully understand what his uncle is trying to teach him.

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However, being the understanding and loving man that he is, Iroh has it in his heart to forgive those that transgress against him. Especially Zuko. Zuko has failed to listen to Iroh's wisdom multiple times, but despite this, Iroh keeps trying, and forgives his nephew for his wrongdoings when he finally realizes the truth in his words. There is no character in the franchise more patient and forgiving than Iroh.

He Sees The Value In Insignificant Things

Iroh is a spiritual man, and as such, has come to see that even small, insignificant things hold great value to those that search for them.

He knows that everything in life has a purpose and a great value to them, but some things only show their value to those that look closer. Such as the game Pai Sho that he plays a lot. To some, like Zuko, it's a waste of time, but to Iroh, it's an important game of strategic importance - as well as a way to find other members of the Order of the White Lotus.

He Helps Others Become Better People

Iroh is one of the franchise's strongest characters - not only in strength and power, but also in wisdom and mentorship.

The biggest example of how his wisdom impacted the characters is Zuko. At the start of the series, Zuko is a raging, ill-tempered brat who just wanted to find the Avatar.

As the series progresses and Iroh gives him more advice, Zuko begins to change and embarks on his own journey to find out who he is. By the end of the series, Zuko has fully changed for the better, remaining a good person for the rest of his life. All thanks to Iroh.

He Stands By Those He Cares About No Matter What

Iroh is one of the most moral characters in the series thanks to his unquestioning loyalty to what is right and to his nephew, Zuko.

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No matter what Zuko did, including betraying Iroh in the tumultuous season two finale, Iroh has always stood by his side, wanting to save Zuko to make up for not being able to save his son during the siege at Ba Sing Se. Everything that Zuko learned - every lesson, every technique - he learned from Iroh, who has always had faith that there was good in Zuko.

He Doesn't Want To Capture The Avatar

Throughout the entire series, especially in some of the best episodes of the series, it's clear that Iroh has no interest in capturing Aang. He's mainly there to accompany Zuko.

If Iroh actually wanted to capture Aang, he's strong enough to do it much better than Zuko could. Iroh could defeat multiple benders all on his own without breaking a sweat. If he had gone up against Aang, especially in the early episodes, Aang would have had absolutely no chance and would be locked up in a Fire Nation prison for the rest of his life.

He Gets Stronger

At the start of the series, Iroh is severely overweight, which may have limited his overall strength.

But when he is imprisoned in the Fire Nation, he begins to work out in secret, knowing that the eclipse is coming, and he will need as much strength as possible to break out and help stop the Fire Lord once and for all. This also reflects how much he fights and to what degree. At the start of the series, he barely fights, choosing more of an observer role. But by the time the final season ends, he is fully entrenched in freeing Ba Sing Se from the Fire Nation, channeling the power of Sozin's comet in order to get the job done.

Next: 10 Best Running Gags From Avatar The Last Airbender
