The release of Need for Speed Unbound on Nov. 29, 2022, has led to a revival in interest in racing games, which was last active earlier in the year with Gran Turismo 7’s arrival. The genre is where gamers generally turn toward Metacritic scores in order to decide which ones they should check out.

Fortunately, there have been some great titles released over the last decade from 2013 to 2022, with each individual year bringing critical hits that remain high on Metacritic’s rating board. These range from pure simulators like Gran Turismo 7 to open-world racing games such as Forza Horizon, and it’s worth looking into which titles topped each year with Metacritic scores.

Forza Motorsport 6 (2015) - 87

Forza Motorsport 6 represented a definitive upturn for the series, putting it on the path to becoming the premier racing franchise. The game was praised for incorporating online features to boost multiplayer activities, providing incredible replay value.

Furthermore, Forza Motorsport 6 was well-received for its graphical upgrades, making a big leap from the previous entry and setting a new standard in the racing landscape for all titles to make things appear as realistic as possible. Despite the time since its release, the game still looks and feels gorgeous to behold.

Gran Turismo 7 (2022) - 87

Gran Turismo 7 is easily the most popular racing game released in 2022, as the simulation series still commands a big fanbase. However, Gran Turismo 7’s reviews highlighted a return to form in terms of quality after a few lackluster releases in the previous decade.

Gran Turismo 7 was praised for incorporating the PS5’s DualSense controller to its best potential, as players can make use of the anti-lock brake systems and perfect traversing various terrain by mastering the controls. The aspect of focusing on really learning how to drive all the cars available as opposed to simply winning races was also highlighted as a positive point.

Mario Kart 8 (2014) - 88

Critics loved the variety of racing courses in Mario Kart 8, where every track has a different atmosphere and unique challenges. True to its platforming roots, the game has many obstacles along the way that each character has their own way of overcoming.

Mario Kart 8 battle mode has been massively popular due to the depth of the gameplay, where players can access different strategies like smart steering and auto-acceleration to their benefit. There’s a certain sense of chaos during each race, but this works to Mario Kart 8’s benefit through and through.

F1 2017 (2017) - 89

F1 2017 began the racing game series’ positive placement within the industry, as players got to experience what it’s like competing on the grid. The game not only has gamers participating in races but also hands them the responsibility of team management.

F1 2017 is also challenging due to the realism involved, which places purists in the position of completing the game all the way through. The title ultimately puts players on the path to appreciating the entire experience of being a functioning racer.

F1 2019 (2019) - 89

F1 2019 brought driver swaps to the forefront, allowing players to change their crew and watch the difference in their performance during gameplay. The title was praised for finetuning the Career Mode, removing unnecessary elements to focus primarily on the goal to win.

F1 2019 further highlights the importance of gaining sponsors and how the added advantage of the backing of these investors can provide better material for cars that then shows up during playthroughs. It’s an intricate look into the racing world, and it helps that the fast-paced racing sequences remain exhilarating.

Forza Horizon 3 (2016) - 91

Forza Horizon 3 took the series in a new direction, moving fully away from racetracks over to an open world where players can explore Australia. The positive reviews pointed out the gorgeous visuals and setting, which includes the Australian Outback and various other places.

Forza Horizon 3’s main selling point was the differences in the maps, as no two places appear alike. While races are relatively one-note, the environments and side missions all make the title a truly open-world feature to play, which was a huge deal at the time of its release.

F1 2020 (2020) - 91

F1 2020 garnered massive acclaim for its “My Team” feature, which allows players to create their own team right from scratch. With more modifications like the cockpit and rearview mirror options, F1 2020 gives fans the empowering feeling of being in control.

While the game doesn’t have other fictional drives as before, the competition against the current roster of talent is presented as they perform in real life, making it come across as if players are truly competing at the highest level.

Asphalt 8: Airborne (2013) - 91

Asphalt 8: Airborne takes place in over-the-top environments where players can pull off unrealistic but awesome stunts while engaging in races. The game goes all in with its elaborate level designs and tasks to complete, presenting a high-octane racing feature for fans to enjoy.

Asphalt 8: Airborne became the highest-rated racing game on mobile platforms, driving home the point that entries on these platforms can still be of the greatest quality. With over 300 cars and a variety of racing arenas, there’s a ton of replay value for players of all kinds to engage in.

Forza Horizon 4 (2018) - 92

There are some great tracks to drive in Forza Horizon 4, which takes players to Great Britain. It is set in an open world with changing seasons, and reviewers highlighted that it added to the experience by making fans feel right at home in this expansive environment.

Forza Horizon 4 goes even more inclusive by adding up to 72 players in the synchronized shared world. With so many different events taking place all year round, players are never put in a position of boredom, as everything from the side missions to the main campaign keeps them busy in engrossing racing gameplay.

Forza Horizon 5 (2021) - 92

There are cars for every type of terrain in Forza Horizon 5, which takes place in Mexico and takes players to the largest map yet in the series. There’s everything from driving around active volcanoes, jungles, beaches, temples, and dense cities.

Forza Horizon 5 allows players to customize their cars’ engines to their hearts’ delight, adding another flavor to the driving experience. While racing is still the prime objective, the detailed environment is the main appeal, alluring fans to stay for hours on end just to appreciate the world at their disposal.

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