While the showrunner may consider a potential season 2, The Santa Clauses have a new episode on Disney+ each week, reviving a popular Christmas movie trilogy into a series and giving the audience a new fantastical show to keep fans entertained.

While this new series has its magical qualities, fans of science fiction and fantasy shows appreciate a series with more supernatural aspects. Many popular series within these genres, such as Supernatural and Smallville, have some very entertaining Christmas specials for their fans to enjoy this season.

"The Night Of The Meek"

The Twilight Zone - Season 2, Episode 11

The Twilight Zone is one of the best-written TV shows ever and is still popular among fans many years after its ending. This Christmas special is a beloved episode and, despite the darker material the show is known for, manages to showcase some heartwarming holiday spirit.

In this short episode, a down-on-his-luck Santa worker stumbles upon a magical bag that has the ability to give everyone their desired gifts. This joyful find allows the man to become the true giver he always wanted to be and shows viewers how someone can change when they are given the ability to do good to someone else.

"Holiday Spirit"

Ghost Whisperer - Season 3, Episode 10

Ghost Whisperer was an interesting show following a woman that helped ghosts move on. This series is known for having some heartwarming undertones throughout, and this seasonal episode is no different.

This ghost brings Christmas into the show because he is haunting a family while believing he is the genuine Santa Claus. In her attempt to help this wayward spirit, Melinda ends up missing her holiday plans. Though this is a show filled with spooky apparitions, this episode manages to capture giving kindness to others during the holiday season.

"How The Ghosts Stole Christmas"

The X-Files - Season 6, Episode 6

The X-Files was good consistently from start to finish and that includes the Christmas episodes throughout the series. Though this was a seasonal special, it still has the same charm that Mulder and Scully often bring to the episodes.

In this special, two ghosts try to trick the duo into killing each other. Ultimately, the FBI agents overpower the ghosts and get the upper hand. Though this episode is typical of many X-Files episodes, it does have a cute scene in which the agents exchange gifts, highlighting the quirky but somewhat adorable bond between the two.

"A Roswell Christmas Carol"

Roswell - Season 2, Episode 10

Though Roswell focuses on aliens and people with supernatural powers, the episodes often have a dramatic tone and touching themes. In this episode, Max struggles after he fails to save a man and is haunted by his ghost.

Despite this dark beginning, Max learns that the ghost wants him to do good and, after being urged by Liz, uses his abilities to heal sick children at a local hospital. This supernatural episode succeeds in incorporating the special powers the character has while showcasing some wholesome giving around the holiday.

"A Very Dead Zone Christmas"

The Dead Zone - Season 4, Episode 12

In the traditional Dead Zone fashion, this special follows Johnny having a vision, along with his gifted friend Alex, that leads them to a man dressed as Santa being mugged. However, they have sympathy because they are struggling children.

Johnny usually does something good when it comes to having a vision and this Christmas special showcases him doing an especially kind deed. With the help of friends, he reunites the children with their fathers and they all, including the Santa, have a fun Christmas together. This emotional episode allows fans to consider difficult situations and how they can show someone kindness during hard times.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Season 3, Episode 10

Sarah Michelle Gellar will always be associated with her role in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and much of the reason her character is so memorable is because of the unique, strong relationships she has throughout the series. This episode highlights her strong bond with Angel as she helps him overcome his past.

In this paranormal episode of Buffy, Angel is haunted by the victims of his past when he was a bad vampire, but Buffy helps him through it by reminding him he can do good and make amends for what he's done wrong. The kindness she shows has very Christmas-like vibes. In addition, they get to walk through the streets of Sunnydale as it snows for the first time ever there, ending the episode with a very season feeling.

"O Come, All Ye Faithful"

The Vampire Diaries - Season 4, Episode 9

The Vampire Diaries is packed with a lot of violence and drama. Though this episode takes place around the holidays and during a winter wonderland-theme party, it still has the same intensity as the rest of the series.

This episode involves several fights between different characters, including an emotional scene in which Stefan finds out that his brother, Damon, is now involved with his ex-girlfriend Elena. If a viewer was looking for something other than a touching holiday special, this is as far from sweet and merry as fantasy holiday specials get.

"A Christmas Carol"

Doctor Who - Episode 213

In this episode of Doctor Who, the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and his team of friends take a non-traditional approach to the classic A Christmas Story tale. While there are a few things going on within this episode, Kazran Sardick stands in as the miserable, irritable Scrooge character.

As the Doctor works to save Amy and Rory, Kazran's frozen heart begins to thaw. In an attempt to change Kazran's harsh demeanor, the Doctor brings him face-to-face with his younger self. Though this episode still captures the quirky quality of the Doctor's adventures, it succeeds in re-imagining a timeless Christmas classic.

"A Very Supernatural Christmas"

Supernatural - Season 3, Episode 8

Supernatural has a lot of quirky episodes throughout the series, and although this episode of Supernatural isn't the weirdest, it's certainly a different take on a jolly Christmas special. In this storyline, Sam and Dean take on two pagans that aren't happy about being overlooked during the winter season.

Though the two brothers are held captive, the whole situation is more humorous than it is intense. This episode also has a heartwarming ending in which the brothers spend time together celebrating Christmas after not doing so for many years.


Smallville - Season 5, Episode 9

This episode of Smallville certainly gets into the holiday spirit. The plotline borrows from the classic tale of It's A Wonderful Life when Lex is shot and experiences a life in which he has a happy marriage with Lana.

While Lex ultimately decides to stick with what he knows and doesn't embrace the glimpse of happiness he envisions, making him an unchanged "Scrooge" in this episode, Clark saves a struggling Santa and passes out toys to needy children. This episode tackles a lot of traditional Christmas story tropes but succeeds in offering a well-rounded, captivating special.

More: 15 Best Christmas Episodes From Great TV Shows, Ranked
