With many Buffy alum coming to Emma Caulfield Ford's support following the announcement of her MS diagnosis, it's clear that the Scoobies are as tight in real life as they are on-screen. Such warmth and closeness is what endears many to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, despite the allegations of creator Joss Whedon's toxic behavior tainting the show's legacy.

While Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not quite the critical darling it was during much of the 2000s, the show's characters have continued to endure due to their tight interplay. The interactions between the members of the Scoobies make them one of television's most colorful found families, a fact which is evidenced by the multitude of memes that poke fun at the group's shenanigans.

Xander Is A Butt-Monkey

While the Scoobies are all friends and supportive of one another, that doesn't stop them from making fun of each other. Xander is the one to usually dish out the most colorful comments among the group, but his big mouth also results in him being made fun of the most by his friends.

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Despite the meme's suggestion that the other Scoobies look down on Xander because of his idiocy, he's still treated as an equal. He might not have powers like almost everyone else in the group, and he's arguably the least intelligent member of the Scooby Gang, but he's still valued because he's the emotional core of the team.

The Messianic Father Figure

Rupert Giles might be the supportive father figure to the other members of the Scooby Gang, but as this meme demonstrates, the Scoobies sometimes put too much faith in him. It's understandable considering the lack of positive role models in each Scooby's life and how Giles seems to have an answer for everything about the supernatural.

Beyond Giles's own inability to attend to everyone's needs, the meme also highlights how the ex-watcher sometimes doesn't live up to the ideals of the younger characters (despite how much they adore him). This is best evidenced in Buffy the Vampire Slayer's season five finale, where Giles kills Ben in cold blood so that Glory can be stopped.

Not So Happy Endings

Despite the Scooby Gang being a surrogate family comprised of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's main characters, there are a shocking number of romances that occur between the individual members. Most of these relationships start happily, but the blurred line between work and pleasure generally results in ugly dissolution.

As the above meme demonstrates, just about every romantic entanglement between members of the Scoobies has resulted in tragedy. Xander left Anya at the altar, Spike attempted to rape Buffy, and Tara was murdered in front of Willow's eyes just after they rekindled their relationship.

Other Friends?

Before Buffy came to Sunnydale and upended Xander and Willow's lives, the two were part of a tight friend group that included Jesse McNally. He, unfortunately, didn't make it past the show's second episode, as he was turned into a vampire and dusted by Xander.

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Despite the trauma that Xander must have gone through upon killing his friend, he and Willow never brought up Jesse after the show's first season. Redditor ghostproofing's meme humorously critiques this aspect of the show while also pointing toward the fact that other characters like Amy and Cordelia were forgotten by the Scoobies once everyone graduated from high school.

Buffy's Desires

While Xander is the member of the Scooby Gang who is made fun of the most, Buffy is the one person in the group who is judged most frequently for her relationships. Part of it stems from her role as the Slayer, but even when ignoring the weight of such a responsibility, her interest in men like Angel and Riley deserves scrutiny.

Though many people continue to ship Buffy and Angel as the perfect couple, their love for each other resulted in Angel losing his soul and killing Jenny Calendar. Buffy's other long-lasting relationships might not have been as dangerous as her romance with Angel, but they still put her friends in a state of vulnerability.

Just Another Tuesday

Though a touch-dated given the focus on 2020, monka's meme still offers an insightful observation about how the Scoobies handle the repeated threat of the apocalypse. They don't fret about the end of the world, instead taking it all in stride because they've dealt with this type of situation before.

Despite how frequent world-ending events are in the Buffyverse, the characters never shirk their responsibilities. They treat each potential apocalypse with seriousness, even in funny episodes of Buffy that play these events for laughs.

Keeping Things Under Wraps

Despite how close the Scoobies are toward each other, there are some things that they hide from their friends. This was especially true during the show's sixth season when Buffy kept her depression to herself, Xander bubbled up his doubts about marrying Anya, and Willow erased Tara's memory to keep their relationship "stable."

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Beyond the meme's ability to relate how Buffy keeps secrets from her friends, it also makes it clear that such secrets are dangerous to her mental state. It would have been painful for Buffy to admit to all her friends that what they did was painful for her, but opening up would have been beneficial for all as the Scoobies could have supported each other's burdens.

Saving Buffy

As one of the closest found families on television, The Scooby Gang will go to extremes to help each other out. This is perhaps best evidenced by Willow's plan to resurrect Buffy after the Slayer had sacrificed herself to save the world.

While the Willow-centric meme does a great job of encapsulating just how loyal the Scoobies are toward one another, it also highlights how their actions can do more harm than good. Willow's spell to revive Buffy worked, but it brought her back into a depressed state due to being dragged out of heaven.


A clever editing job that replicates the iconic "woman yelling at cat" meme, X's post points to how frequently the members of the Scooby Gang (namely Buffy) are willing to berate Spike. Considering the blond vampire goes back and forth between acting as a reluctant ally and vengeful antagonist toward the group, the vitriol makes sense.

In addition to highlighting Buffy's disdain for Spike, the meme also works to establish how the members of the Scooby Gang sometimes get into arguments with each other. They might be friends, but that doesn't stop them from bickering about how to stop a villain when the fate of the world is on the line.

Trust Buddies

Spike and Buffy have a notoriously contentious relationship. The two started as enemies before Spike got chipped by the Initiative and became a reluctant ally to the Scooby Gang, thanks in large part to his crush on Buffy.

While Buffy never reciprocated Spike's feelings for her and normally didn't show much respect for the vampire, she did trust him to look after Dawn. Many would write off Sayed64's meme as a funny observation on such trust, but a closer look at the image reveals that the Scoobies have faith in each other, even Spike.

Next: Supernatural Characters And Their Buffy The Vampire Slayer Counterparts
