Even 57 years after it aired, A Charlie Brown Christmas remains one of the most appealing holiday specials of all time. Gathering the iconic Peanuts gang, the short film offers an insightful reflection on spirituality as well as a relevant social commentary on modern consumerism, still relevant to this day.

It has become a staple of holiday television viewing. With so many unique characters, A Charlie Brown Christmas delivers plenty of memorable lines, some more comedy-oriented and others surprisingly thought-provoking.

"I Just Don't Understand Christmas, I Guess."

Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown opens up about a question that most people came across at some point in their lives: after all, what's the point of Christmas? Chuck's disappointment might seem dull at first, especially considering the character's history of overdramatizing everything, but he does make a valid point. As years go by and people get old, will Christmas continually age well?

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The TV special doesn't really answer that question but rather offers a handful of different perspectives to explore. There are insightful solutions that will resonate with audiences regardless of their age, which explains why A Charlie Brown Christmas continues to impress.

"Of All The Charlie Browns In The World, You're The Charlie Brown-iest"


Charlie Brown is the kind of character that becomes even more painfully relatable as viewers get older. His tendency of turning everything into a problem and constantly question the authenticity of things might seem annoying at first, but the truth is complaining about stuff is the adult equivalent of a child's untamed curiosity.

Linus' quote points to how uniquely annoying Charlie Brown is, so much so that the only way to describe him is by using himself as the target of comparison. Linus' low-key irritation makes his line all the sweeter; a casual pet peeve between friends.

"I Know Nobody Likes Me. Why Do We Have To Have A Holiday Season To Emphasize It?"

Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown's loneliness is actually one of the upsetting things about the Christmas special. The misunderstood character is always dealing with rejection from his friends, which causes him to get so frustrated about everything, this time targeting his anger to the beloved Christmas season.

Finding his mailbox totally empty is only the first of the many setbacks the character faces in A Charlie Brown's Christmas. Hopefully, he doesn't get carried away so easily and goes on with his head up in search of something that will uplift his humor.

"I Never Eat December Snowflakes. I Always Wait Until January."


When everyone is having fun in the snowy backyard feeling snowflakes on their tongue, each character delivers iconic lines that sum up their personalities. While Linus mentions the snow needs sugar, Lucy claims that it's too early to try snowflakes as the January ones are way better.

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The funniest thing about it is how she delivers the line with such conviction that it almost makes sense. It's an adorable scene that captures childhood innocence brilliantly, with each of the kids living in their own worlds.

"If It Seems Too Complicated, Make It Easy On Yourself. Just Send Money."


Sally isn't as innocent as she seems, and this quote proves that hilariously. She approaches Charlie Brown and asks him to write a letter to Santa Claus according to what she says. Initially, Sally lists down all the naive things an ordinary child would say, highlighting how she's been extra good this year and deserves a whole lot of gifts. The surprise happens when she decides to go for a shortcut; to make things easier for Santa Claus, she suggests he sends tons of money instead.

Sally's quote feels like an isolated scene but connects to all the instances of materialism Charlie Brown has been witnessing all day, from Lucy's amateur psychiatric business to Snoopy's Christmas lights contest, working as a great punch line to the hilarious succession of events.

"We Even Got A Christmas Queen!"


Lucy's boastful manners deliver some of the funniest moments in the Christmas special and the whole psychiatric stand scene with Charlie Brown is priceless. Earning good money during the holiday season isn't Lucy's only goal; she's also the mind behind an ambitious Christmas play. She makes sure to mention there's going to be a Christmas queen as if it instantly guarantees the project will be a success.

The quote only clicks as a joke later on in the film, when it's revealed the Christmas queen mentioned by Lucy is played by none other than herself. One can't blame her for being so confident about her talent.

"Christmas Is Not Only Getting Too Commercial, It's Getting Too Dangerous."


Little is said about A Charlie Brown Christmas' clever social commentary on consumerism and the American dream and how it remains relevant almost 60 years after its release date.

Although Linus' quote intends to be funny, it throws back to Charlie Brown's frustrations over Christmas losing its meaning in a scenario where sharing expensive gifts feel much more important than celebrating the holiday's true spirit, which is attached to precious religious values. A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of the most socially conscious Peanuts specials, which explains why it remains a solid Christmas movie that adults should rewatch.

"He Never Got His Picture On Bubble-Gum Cards, Did He?"


Lucy's pretentiousness attacks again in a hilarious moment she shares with Schroeder, a character known for always sticking with his beloved piano toy at all times. Waiting for Charlie Brown, the two spend their spare time arguing about classic music.

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While Schroeder defends his passion for Beethoven, Lucy offers him an irrefutable argument: Beethoven never got his picture on a bubble-gum card, thus he isn't worthy of acclamation. Although the scene doesn't add up to the overall plot of the TV special, it's a quirky moment that shows how ingenuously stubborn Lucy can be.

"This Commercial Dog Is Not Going To Ruin My Christmas."

Charlie Brown

Snoopy is downright hilarious in A Charlie Brown Christmas; it's always a delight to see him take over human tasks and perform them in his own distinctive way, consequently winning over everyone. Just like the other kids are trying to thrive financially, Snoopy finds his own Christmas light contest and crafts a hilariously ambitious Christmas tree, eventually pissing Charlie Brown off as the boy realizes even his dog is corrupted by Christmas' commercial reality.

It turns out that Charlie Brown was right; his commercial dog wasn't going to ruin his Christmas, but rather save it. After all, Snoopy's contest-winner Christmas tree inspired the gang to decorate their own broken tree.

"Charlie Brown Is A Blockhead, But He Did Get A Nice Tree."


A Charlie Brown Christmas ends with the Lucy-iest quote possible; starting with an insult, then coming to a sweet conclusion. It's also a good way to sum up the Christmas special; the meaning of Christmas lies wherever you want to, as long as you're driven by good intentions and inspired by a collective spirit of uprightness.

After all, the broken tree is there to represent how happiness is always better when shared, evolving from a tiny lifeless tree to a shiny Christmas recipient with the help of friends and family.

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