The 60th anniversary of Doctor Who is coming, and there is more potential now than ever for former companions to appear. Billie Piper played the Moment in the 50th Anniversary, and multiple former companions returned during the Centenary Special. One companion fans would like to see more from is Rory Williams, whose last episode aired over ten years ago. Though not as popular as his wife Amy, Rory was an incredibly brave and kind character, and it would be nice to see him return for one more adventure.

Although Rory first entered the TARDIS as a romantic rival of the Doctor's, he quickly earned his own place similar to former companion Donna Noble. Rory kept the Doctor in check, reminding him and Amy that they should care more about helping people than defeating enemies. In addition to his compassion, he had a great sense of humor and undying loyalty, both of which are on full display in his ten best quotes.

"What's The Answer To Not Get Us Killed?"

Season 6, Episode 10: "The Girl Who Waited"

Rory adapted quickly to life in the TARDIS, figuring out new situations with the precision of someone trained in triage. While he enjoyed the adventure, he also worried most about his and Amy's safety, which led him to some great quotes.

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Here, he tried to answer a robot's questions without getting himself or Amy killed, simultaneously asking the Doctor and the robot what he should say to ensure that result. It's a great comedic line and showed off his uncertainty as a nice contrast to the Doctor's vast knowledge base.

"Putting Hitler In The Cupboard. Cupboard. Hitler. Hitler. Cupboard."

Season 6, Episode 8: "Let's Kill Hitler"

All the zaniness of the Moffat era of Doctor Who was on full display in "Let's Kill Hitler," with robotic torture doppelgängers and River Song drama. Rory got one of the best lines in this episode when he was told to put Hitler in the cupboard, which he quickly processed and performed.

Rory was always aware of how absurd some of their adventures were, and the thought of locking one of the evilest humans of all time in his own closet was nearly too bizarre to accept. While Dean Winchester loved that he had killed Hitler in Supernatural, Rory pushed through the shock to focus on more important tasks.

"You Have No Idea How Dangerous You Make People To Themselves When You're Around."

Season 5, Episode 6: "The Vampires Of Venice"

Rory was very good at holding the Doctor accountable for his actions, and one of the best examples of this came from his first real episode as a companion. Amy put herself into a dangerous position, and Rory made sure the Doctor knew that it was because of him.

This isn't a new message for the Doctor to hear, but it does seem to be one he often forgets. People become more self-sacrificial after being around him, and he's never the one who ends up dying for it. The Doctor is dangerous, and Rory was one of few companions willing to tell him that.

"I Don't Care That You Got Old. I Care That We Didn't Grow Old Together."

Season 6, Episode 10: "The Girl Who Waited"

Rory repeatedly proved that he would do anything for Amy, but "The Girl Who Waited" made everything more complicated. As time streams were messed with, he and the Doctor ended up abandoning Amy for nearly 40 years.

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When he learned the truth, he made it very clear that he didn't care about Amy's looks or age, but about the fact that they spent so long apart. He deeply understood the pain she must have felt and was going to try anything to undo it, so he and Amy could live out their lives together like he'd always dreamed.

"I Died And Turned Into A Roman. It's Very Distracting."

Season 5, Episode 12: "The Pandorica Opens"

It was heartbreaking to watch Rory die just after Amy had confirmed her love for him, but watching her forget him was far worse. While fans watched the story from Amy and the Doctor's perspectives, however, this quote explained how Rory experienced his own odd displacement.

After dying and being erased, he just woke up and was a Roman, with all the knowledge and skills that entailed. This odd duality stuck with him throughout his time on the show, and the idea that living both those lives would be "distracting" instead of maddening is a great representation of how quickly he adapted to the confusing world around him.

"I Haven't Told You For Seven Hours That I Love You, Which Is A Scandal!"

Season 5, Episode 6: "The Vampires Of Venice"

When fans look back on Rory, they often think about his grandest romantic gestures, but this quote shows that love was a constant choice for him, not just one action. Romance movies have been called out for normalizing the idea that a grand gesture is more important than regular affection, and Rory is the exact opposite.

This line comes while he's drunk, but it's very reflective of his character that he feels like showing Amy how much he loves her on a daily basis is vital. His relationship with Amy is so strong because he commits himself to loving her every day and every hour.

"I Know That She's Afraid. And She Needs Our Help."

Season 6, Episode 5: "The Rebel Flesh"

Before the Doctor came into his life, Rory's priority was helping people. This line shows that his priority never changed. Amy and the Doctor are cautious of the Gangers, but Rory sees a real person. While Amy was still largely bound by the idea that human=good, Rory just wanted to help those who needed it.

Particularly in season six, the Doctor was turning into a soldier, concerned with how to defeat his enemies. Rory's role as a nurse rejected that perspective, which made audience members question whether the Doctor was still the hero they wanted to believe he was.

"Will She Be Safer If I Stay? ... Then How Could I Leave Her?"

Season 5, Episode 13: "The Big Bang"

The Doctor and Rory were both heroes, but their base impulses were completely opposite. This quote shows that perfectly. While the Doctor can't sit still for a few days, much less two thousand years, Rory will always put others before his own well-being.

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Rory's undying devotion to Amy was on full display as he became the Lone Centurion. The Doctor skipped forward in time, while Rory lived every second of those two thousand years, putting himself in harm's way to ensure that nothing ever hurt Amy.

"I'd Forgotten Not All Victories Are About Saving The Universe."

Season 6, Episode 11: "The God Complex"

The end of season six did a good job setting up the idea of Amy and Rory returning to normal human living, and Rory was the primary driver of that decision. He had stopped resenting the Doctor for taking Amy, but he also saw how many people needed help on a smaller scale, help that he could give as a nurse, rather than a time traveler.

It can be so easy to watch action movies and feel insignificant, but this quote from Rory shows how important normal human life is. Being kind to others, helping them heal, and celebrating their victories are just as important as the Doctor's world-saving adventures, and the Doctor (and the audience) needed reminding of that.

"Would You Like Me To Repeat The Question?"

Season 6, Episode 7: "A Good Man Goes To War"

This moment is Rory at his most badass, and it absolutely deserves the top spot. When the Silence took Amy and their child, he went to the Cybermen for their location. Though they wanted to hear the Doctor's message rather than Rory's question, the Doctor exploding their fleet behind him added impact to his words.

This was a huge moment, because Rory was the head of the rescue party, with the Doctor as his backup. He didn't sit back and wait for the Doctor to save Amy, and the fact that he would face the Cybermen head-on and then cry over his newborn child shortly thereafter shows exactly why Rory is the perfect love interest. In comparison to the Doctor's overt heroism, Rory is pure human, with all the uncertainty, compassion, and courage that comes with it.

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