More than any other sitcom, Friends is known for perfecting the art of the Thanksgiving episode. Across the series' ten seasons, the gang routinely gathers for Thanksgiving dinners that never quite go according to plan, whether thanks to family feuding or romantic conflicts.

But even when the holidays are less than conventional for the core group of six friends, the Thanksgiving episodes churn out one hysterical joke after another, with Chandler and Joey reigning as the most reliable Thanksgiving comedians.

"Monica, Only Dogs Can Hear You Now."

Chandler - Season 1, Episode 9

Expectations are always running high whenever someone is tasked with hosting their first Thanksgiving dinner, especially for someone who is a perfectionist like Monica. In true sitcom fashion, nothing goes according to plan when she hosts her first Thanksgiving in season One.

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In a hilarious moment of comedic acting from Courtney Cox, Monica has a breakdown in the hallway when the gang get locked out of the apartment, her voice raising to a higher and higher pitch. Chandler then takes the opportunity to make an entirely accurate joke: "Okay, Monica, only dogs can hear you now." Monica and Chandler always play off one another well, even long before they become a romantic couple, and the rapport between them here paired with Cox's delivery makes this a hilarious tension-breaking moment.

"Oh, Cool, This Is My First Huddle!"

Phoebe - Season 3, Episode 9

Phoebe is regularly the quirkiest member of the Friends cast, which leads to some genuinely hilarious moments due to her clueless and goofy nature. In "The One with the Football," Phoebe's cluelessness takes center stage when the gang breaks off into their respective teams: "Oh, cool, this is my first huddle! ... So what do you guys really think of Chandler?"

Her total non-sequitur makes the scene a guaranteed laugh every time. Lisa Kudrow is an expert at delivering Phoebe's most bizarre lines in the most endearing, lovably clueless ways, and this is a great example of that skill.

"The Floating Heads Do Make A Good Point."

Chandler - Season 10, Episode 8

Even after ten years of Thanksgiving, the gang still can't get everything to work out right. In "The One with the Late Thanksgiving," Monica and Chandler find themselves at their wits' end when the rest of the group fails to show up on time for their dinner, and they lock them out as a result.

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Joey, Rachel, Ross, and Phoebe poke their heads in through the gap in the doorway to plead their case and Chandler humorously sums up the bizarre situation: "The floating heads do make a good point." The entire scene is a masterclass in comedic staging, as it is impossible to keep from cracking up when one character after another tries to squeeze their way in through the door. Perry's wonderfully dry delivery of his line is the perfect closing note.

"Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Good."

Joey - Season 6, Episode 9

Rachel's misadventures with making a trifle are hilarious, to begin with, but adding Joey to the equation just makes it even better. Despite Joey's and Ross's initial horror at Rachel mixing up the recipes for a trifle and shepherd's pie, the ever-hungry Joey winds up being the dish's biggest fan.

Joey's relationship with food is his most enduring one, and it's something the series returns to often to generate major laughs. This example is made all the more hilarious by just how disgusting Rachel's creation sounds, showing how low Joey's standards really are. Ross's face as he watches Joey eat only adds to the humor.

"Mini Wave In Celebration Of Me!"

Chandler - Season 3, Episode 9

As competitive as Ross and Monica might always be, especially in pursuit of the Geller Cup, the real star of the chaotic episode's comedic moments is actually Chandler. After he wins the interest of a girl he and Joey both flirt with, Chandler is perhaps too eager to celebrate, exclaiming, "I win! You suck! I rule all! Mini wave in celebration of me!"

Perry's physical comedy in this scene is fun to watch, as he begins dancing in typical awkward Chandler fashion and doing a one-man version of the wave typically performed by crowds at sporting events. It's a completely over-the-top moment made endearing by Perry's performance.

"Enough! A Monkey Could've Made Them."

Monica - Season 10, Episode 8

In season 10, Joey is the first one to poke his head through the locked door and try to weasel his way into the celebration he was late for by complimenting the food he sees. An extremely proud Chandler asks for his thoughts on the cranberries that he was responsible for. But Monica, fed up even with her husband at this point, quickly and hilariously snaps, "Enough! A monkey could've made them."

This snappy banter feels completely authentic to a husband and wife who know how to push each other's buttons, and it's made all the more enjoyable due to the natural chemistry between Perry and Cox.

"My Two Greatest Enemies: Rachel Green And Complex Carbohydrates."

Will - Season 8, Episode 9

Brad Pitt's guest starring role is one of the series' funniest single-episode characters. Will, Ross's old friend with a vendetta against Rachel, brings chaotic energy to Thanksgiving dinner. From the moment he sees Rachel, the resentment is clear: "Look at her standing there with those yams! My two greatest enemies, Ross: Rachel Green and complex carbohydrates."

While some humor is dated due to the series' reliance upon fat jokes, it's impossible to not laugh at the sheer passion and anger with which Pitt delivers this ridiculous line. This vendetta has been held for over a decade and the ridiculousness of that fact makes this heightened moment even funnier.

"You Gotta Have Turkey On Thanksgiving!"

Joey - Season 8, Episode 9

Joeyis very fond of women and food, and in "The One with the Rumor," Joey becomes impatient when Monica tries to claim that she won't be making a big turkey dinner for Thanksgiving this year.

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"You gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving!" he protests. "Thanksgiving with no turkey is like Fourth of July with no apple pie, or Friday with no two pizzas." It's all about food for Joey, no matter the occasion, and the fact that he has a specific "two pizza Friday" tradition is just another wonderfully hilarious detail about his character that viewers learn here.

"It's Like A Cow's Opinion. It Just Doesn't Matter. It's Moo."

Joey - Season 7, Episode 8

In "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs," Rachel is questioning whether she should pursue a relationship with her assistant Tag. Monica and Phoebe try to talk her out of it, but Joey has his own unique, stupid spin on it: "If he doesn't like you, this is all a moo point. ... It's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo."

Joey's lack of intelligence mixed with earnestness makes this moment yet another hilarious entry in the long line of Joey moments, and a real standout in this season's Thanksgiving festivities. It's a fondly remembered Friends quote outside of just the Thanksgiving episodes.


Joey - Season 6, Episode 9

When Ross and Monica's parents join the gang for Thanksgiving, tensions are high among the group due to the many secrets shared between them. The stress of Thanksgiving itself leads to a hilarious outburst from not one, not two, but five of the group's members, which remains among the entire series' funniest scenes.

After Ross, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel all have their own outbursts, Joey once again steals the scene by screaming, "I WANNA GO!" This very simple confession is the icing on the cake after a string of elaborate ones, and Joey's outburst rounds them off to perfection.

NEXT: The 10 Funniest Friends Bloopers