God of War Ragnarök has finally arrived for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStaion 5, and the early response is overwhelmingly positive as players dive into the massive sequel. With a breathtaking story and improvements on every minor criticism fans had of the previous game, it looks set to be an even bigger sensation.

Twitter users were also celebrating the release in their own unique way. From awed reactions to the game itself to some hilarious takes on the franchise, these were some of their funniest and best reactions to the brand-new title.

God Of War Ragnarök Lived Up To The Hype

When a game is already being talked about as a contender for game of the year months before it's even released, it's easy to assume that game is being massively over-hyped to the point where it can only disappoint. Luckily, God of War Ragnarök was a pretty notable exception to this.

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With much of the same team behind it that worked on the first game as well as a whole host of new talent, it should be no surprise that they delivered an experience to match and even arguably surpass the first game. There's no shame in doubters admitting they were wrong on this one.

A Special Tweet From Kratos Himself

Not only is Christopher Judge the incredibly distinctive and charismatic voice behind Kratos in God of War, as well as playing Teal'c in Stargate SG-1 and Black Panther in the Marvel's Avengers video game, but he's also quite a character on Twitter too. He hilariously celebrated the countdown to Ragnarök's release by making dad jokes in the voice of Kratos.

To give players a proper welcome to the God of War Ragnarök experience, he also posted this video thanking fans and telling them to enjoy playing the new game before signing off with a smile. It's not just his incredible performance but moments like this that prove Judge is the perfect Kratos.

Guillermo Del Toro Is A True God Of War Fan

The God of War series has some pretty prestigious fans to its name and when they include talented artists like the Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro, it's yet another reminder of just how good the games really are. Del Toro has been busy recently, not least with the release of his new stop-motion Pinocchio adaptation releasing later this month.

Sadly, it seems the same hardworking nature that allows him to produce so many amazing movies will prevent him from being able to play Ragnarök on release, a sad reality for a lot of fans with full-time jobs and other commitments.

The Toughest Choice When Starting God Of War Ragnarök

Whilst there's no shame in selecting one of the lower difficulties for a first playthrough of God of War Ragnarök to better absorb the epic story, sometimes it's hard to resist the temptation of a tougher challenge. The two highest difficulties in the game are appropriately called "Give Me No Mercy" and "Give Me God Of War."

The latter lives up to its name with a ridiculously hardcore experience that's only for skilled gamers and anyone choosing it can expect to end up dying and retracing their steps a lot. Despite that, as Santa Monica Studios themselves point out, some players might not be able to help themselves.

God Of War Ragnarök Is Not A Small Game

One of the best things about games like Ragnarök is their sheer scale, showcasing incredible visuals and breathtaking moments that couldn't appear anywhere else. Of course, the downside of that ambition is that it makes for huge games that take some serious power to run.

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For PlayStation 4 players, the game's requirement of around 100GB of free space is enough to make anyone worried. Getting the nearly decade-old console to run such a huge game might be a big ask but God of War fans will know it's worth it.

Ragnarök Is Perfect On Either Platform

Anyone worried about how the game will run on PlayStation 4 should take heart, however, from the fact that Santa Monica Studios have done anything but abandon the older platform in favor of making a grander PlayStation 5 version. In fact, fans attest that the game seems made for the older console, with the improvements on PlayStation 5 only a bonus.

Not only does the game run well but it's easily one of the best games the console has ever seen and clearly gets the most out of the older-gen console. Considering how important the incredible views and detailed facial expressions ofGod of War's fascinating characters are, it's lucky they delivered on the visual aspect.

Ragnarök Blows The Player Away From The Very Start

The creators of God Of War Ragnarök would have been forgiven for having a quieter start to the game after the epic ending to the previous title but it's fair to say they did anything but that. From the very beginning, the player is thrown straight back into the action and it doesn't let up.

Fans who missed the ridiculous action of the franchise are in luck because they don't have to wait long at all for it to return. The only hard part is not trying to finish the game in one sitting with so much happening in only the first act.

Ragnarök Is Impossible To Put Down

The only downside of God of War Ragnarök delivering on its promise so thoroughly is that there's only so much time in the day to spend playing it. Between the satisfying action and the awesome story, many fans reported that they couldn't help trying to finish it in one single session despite its length.

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Although everyone needs to sleep, it's likely that God of War fans are going to be sacrificing quite a bit of it over the coming days whether they want to or not. Fortunately, God of War Ragnarök provides a ton of good reasons to stay up.

A Perfect Continuation Of The God Of War Franchise

Whilst a classic meme format has one part of a series represented as a fully fleshed-out artistic depiction of a horse and the other part as a sloppy line drawing to illustrate how it failed to meet the expectations set up by the first, this subversion of that meme perfectly illustrates why Ragnarök is receiving so much love online.

That's because, despite the immense expectations set up by the previous Game Awards' game of the year winner, the sequel manages to pick things up like nothing has changed in the intervening years. Together, they make for the perfect duo of excellent games that only complement each other.

A Painful Wait For Some God Of War Fans

Whilst the God of War franchise has some seriously hard boss fights, one challenge that's proving a far tougher test for some fans is the painful wait to play the new game. Whilst it wasn't so bad for digital buyers who were able to download the game on release, some of those buying physical copies had a significantly longer wait.

Even now, some fans are still waiting for their chance to finally play the game and find out what all the rave reviews are about. Hopefully, they won't have to wait long as the game deserves to be played as soon as possible.

NEXT: God Of War Villains, Ranked From Most Laughable To Coolest
