The Walking Dead is still making headlines even a couple of months after its series finale, and fans keep on getting updates on the spinoff series every couple of weeks as well. With all this news some fans might think about revisiting Telltale's The Walking Dead game series. The interactive game has the player make different decisions that affect how the game plays out.

A lot of fans like to replay these games and make different choices than the time before. There are sometimes different endings to an entire season, so fans love to replay and unlock all the endings. Throughout each different playthrough, however, fans have to come to terms with a few things regarding the game's characters and storylines.

Clementine Was The Better Hero

It's hard not to love the main protagonist of Telltale's The Walking Dead's first season, Lee. However, after finishing the whole series, Clementine was perhaps better suited to be the main hero after all.

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There is nothing wrong with Lee's character as he made a great leader to follow in season one. Where Clem might be better than Lee is that the player is watching a child from season one grow into a teenager right before their eyes. It also makes the fans appreciate the concept of following the apocalypse from a child's perspective. The player gets to learn and grow alongside Clem as she makes certain decisions.

Kenny Was Not Built For The Apocalypse

Kenny is one of the most beloved characters in Telltale's TWD series but replaying the game, it becomes apparent just how much of a liability he was to the group.

Kenny had a wild side to him when it came to protecting his family, but this made him unpredictable. This side of him is not useful in an apocalyptic situation where one needs to think rationally and not emotionally. The player really wants to save him, but they will realize that letting him go, in whatever way they choose, is best for Clem.

Jane Was Right About Kenny

Jane did a lot of questionable things, like stealing the medical supplies for Arvo or taking her own life. But, when she provoked Kenny to show Clem what he was capable of, she was doing the right thing.

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Jane had Clem's best interest at heart as she knew in her gut that Kenny was dangerous, and it was not safe for Clem to stick around him anymore. She showed the side of Kenny that the player has known about since season one, but they did not want to admit to themselves. Kenny was a volcano waiting to erupt and Jane sent him over the edge.

Duck Was Very Annoying

Kenny Jr, or Duck, is one of the least impactful characters, story-wise, but also made one of the biggest impressions on the player as his personality was very annoying.

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Duck was a child, but he just never seemed to fully comprehend the severity of the situation the group was in. It is not fair to ask a kid to grow up that quickly, but the player saw Clem handle it a lot better than Duck did. Even though he did bother the player a lot, it did not make his death any less sad.

Season One Is The Only Perfect Season

The first season of Telltale's TWD was so good inspired other games that fans will love. The first season was arguably a perfect piece of media. Everything from the characters to each episode's main storyline was awesome. The dialogue never got old or boring, and the game kept the player enthralled with every dialogue option.

However, this has a notable downside for future seasons. Players are left chasing that same feeling in the later seasons, but they never quite match up to the first one.

The Stranger Plot Line Was Very Creepy

Even though the game is marketed as a horror game, there is nothing too scary besides the occasional jump scare. That is, until, The Stranger's plot line.

When Lee has to go on the hunt for the person that kidnaped Clem, it starts off very creepy with quick flashes of a dark, mysterious figure. When they finally meet face to face, he has this very calm eeriness to him that should send shivers down the player's spine. It was great for the story that he was the owner of the station wagon and that choice came back to haunt the player. It is storylines like this one that make Telltale's The Walking Dead a great option for the show's fans.

Reliving Clementine Seeing Her Parents

One of the driving points for Lee's actions all the first season was helping Clem find her parents. It is a sad moment, however, when she sees them as walkers when they make it to the hotel.

Clem and Lee have worked this entire game to try and return Clem back to her parents, so when she sees them dead, it is very disheartening. All that mixed with the fact they are in the middle of a giant herd of walkers make it one of the tensest and saddest moments in the whole series.

Lilly Was The Most Hated Character

Lilly was a member of the original group in season one and returns as a main villain in the final season. She is either left for dead or steals the RV in the first season.

Lilly was very selfish and quick-tempered, so she started a lot of fights in season one, which quickly turned her on the player's bad side. When she returns as a leader of a group that enslaves people in season 4, it only made the player hate her character more. So when Clem has the option to tell A.J. to shoot her, most players want that sweet vindication that they wanted since season one.

Reliving Omid's Death

Omid was one of the most likable characters in the whole series. He was a kind-hearted soul that had a deep love for his girlfriend Krista and Clem.

After Lee's death, the player did not mind that Omid was going to be looking after Clem. He looked at Clem as his own, which explains why he tried to save her from the bandit at the beginning of season two. He is shot and killed immediately, making his one of the saddest deaths in the Telltale TWD series and a dark memory for the player to relive. Krista crying over his still body is still a scene that players may choose to skip through.

Reliving Lee's Death

Lee was the central figure the game needed to take off as well as it did. He was a likable character from the start as he took Clem with him to help her find her parents when he did not have to.

The game needed Lee as a figure for Clem to look up to. When the player watches Clem grow up and make rational decisions, they know she got that from watching Lee in season one. He was an excellent father figure to Clem, which makes his death absolutely soul-crushing. The dream sequence scene in season four of the two of them is very sweet, but also heartbreaking since fans know they should have had more time together.

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