Warning! This list contains spoilers from House of the Dragon season 1! The list also contains videos with extremely graphic deaths. The dragon reared its ugly head and civil war has erupted in Westeros following the heart-wrenching season finale of House of the Dragon. Episode by episode, the series evolved and enhanced the story hidden beneath the surface of Fire & Blood, the compendium detailing the history of House Targaryen. Whether from the deeply intimate moments to the riveting and sometimes frightening, action sequences, House of the Dragon enthralled audiences for ten weeks.

Like its predecessor, Game of Thrones, someone died in every episode this season, though each death hit harder. While some were haphazard or happened off-screen, as in the case of the Crabfeeder, others like King Viserys' were well-earned and heart-breaking. One “death” from Fire & Blood didn’t even happen, with him and Qarl sailing off to their happy ending elsewhere – although a random guard still had to die for that to happen. All in all, these deaths, in particular, were exceptionally alarming, brutal, and horrific to witness.

Rhea Royce

Some characters make a strong impact with very little screen time. Lady Rhea Royce is one of those characters. After being mentioned periodically throughout the previous four episodes, and not in favorable ways, she finally appeared in "We Light the Way," only to die. The manner was quite shocking, with Daemon bashing her head in with a rock, even if it wasn’t shown.

This was an important moment to those familiar with the text as Daemon had an alibi excusing him from culpability, yet it always read that he was responsible. It just goes to show how cruelty and violence are his first instinct, and were it not for Rhaenyra, Laenor would’ve suffered the same fate. Nevertheless, Rhea went out like a badass, insulting her husband’s impotency.

Laena Velaryon

Several deaths throughout season 1, while still impactful, could’ve landed harder if certain characters got more screen time in House of the Dragon. That’s the case for Laena Velaryon who had a stellar showing in "The Princess and the Queen" that rushed her along to her death by the episode's end. She is such a cool character that would’ve benefited from a less compressed timeline.

Unfortunately, she is forced into a similar situation to Queen Aemma from the season premiere in having the choice to live or die taken out of her hand. While Daemon seemingly was leaning against saving the child at the expense of the mother like Viserys, she chose to take manners into her own hand. From Game of Thrones, dragon fire was solely aimed at enemies and bad guys, yet viewers had to watch it engulf a heroic figure. Laena’s death is not only one of the most tragic in House of the Dragon, but still one of the most haunting to watch.

Jerrel Bracken

Jerrel Bracken had to learn the hard way not to make fun of Willem Blackwood. He was an arrogant young boy aiming for Princess Rhaenyra’s hand, yet he took Willem’s unimposing and nervous demeanor for weakness, only to find out that the young Blackwood isn’t as innocent as he may seem. Though their names are different, this is a moment taken right from Fire & Blood.

For as long as the histories can say, Houses Bracken and Blackwood have been mortal enemies, hence Jerrel’s quick decision to provoke Willem. The gore from when Willem cut open Jerrel’s stomach is important as it seems out of place with the characters and the proceedings, but that’s just the way of the world. Viewers will see much worse by the series’ end.

Dragonpit Victims

The penultimate episode was quite tame compared to the iconic ninth episodes from Game of Thrones, such as “The Rains of Castamere” and “The Battle of the Bastards.” That is until the final scene and the coronation of King Aegon II. Fulfilling Queen Helaena’s premonition – “beware the beast beneath the boards” – Princess Rhaenys crashed through the floor of the Dragonpit on her dragon Meleys, killing a great number of the small folk attending.

This was the great action sequence they needed to close out the episode, and it stands out for how it treats the small folk. Even in the eyes of Rhaenys, who is one of the wiser and more mature characters in House of the Dragon, their lives are practically worthless. She doesn’t let Meleys burn the usurping Greens, but she’s fine killing all those innocent people.

Ser Harwin & Lord Lyonel Strong

When they were first introduced, casual viewers probably were recognizing Ser Harwin Strong and his father, Lord Lyonel Strong, for how great they are. Compared to the likes of Otto Hightower, King Viserys, and Tywin Lannister, Harwin is one of the best fathers, and Lyonel is one of the best Hands in these stories. Harwin is kind and loving to Rhaenyra and his sons, willing to live a lie for their safety, while Lyonel is wise and altruistic.

They too could’ve benefited from more screen time, but when their time came in the burning of Harrenhal, it was still very horrific. That’s mostly because it was enacted by their own family, Larys Strong. Interestingly, in Fire & Blood, there are many suspected culprits, including Daemon Targaryen, Corlys Velaryon, and even King Viserys I, yet it was their own kin who ordered their deaths.

Ser Joffrey Lonmouth

While Laenor and Qarl got their happy ending together, one of the only other LGBTQ+ characters was pummeled to death. Ser Joffrey Lonmouth wasn’t the most likable character, seeing an opportunity to gain leverage over Rhaenyra through Criston Cole. However, the love he and Laenor shared was true, and Laenor’s wails were heart-wrenching following Joffrey’s murder.

It’s still unknown what set Criston off – whether Joffrey returned to throw more barbs at him or he just stewed there and seized an opportunity to let his rage explode. Nevertheless, Game of Thrones had many dark and violent moments, and this could rival many of them. He is screaming bloody murder, continuing to punch Joffrey’s head in even after he’s clearly dead.

Lord Lyman Beesbury

Of course, Joffrey’s death isn’t the only one the “great” Criston Cole had his hand in. He also murdered Lord Lyman Beesbury, played by Bill Paterson of Fleabag fame, though the show made it seem more like an accident. He was too rash and pushed the frail Master of Coins down too forcefully, smashing his head into the ornamental balls the small council use for attendance.

Like the Strongs’ deaths, Beesbury is a bit of a mystery in Fire & Blood. Criston is always at fault, but some report it was a blatant decision rather than an accident, with one historian claiming he slit Beesbury’s throat. This change adds some nuance to the story, but if it had gone down like that, it probably would've been much more brutal.

Ser Vaemond Velaryon

There’s not really a death so shocking in the moment as Ser Vaemond Velaryon’s. Unless a viewer is solely focusing on what is out of focus in the background, they’d have no inkling of Daemon coming up behind him to slice through Vaemond’s head with Dark Sister. Of course, his death had to happen one way or another after insulting Rhaenyra and her children, but this epically came out of nowhere.

What makes this strike so alarming is how precise it is. Daemon cuts off Vaemond’s head but keeps his tongue still attached to his body, saying, “he can keep his tongue.” Luckily enough, his suffering ends there because, in Fire & Blood, it’s reported that Rhaenyra then fed Vaemond to her dragon Syrax. This is already utterly shocking, but that would’ve sealed the deal for the most brutal death ever.

Prince Lucerys Velaryon & Arrax

Both the most tragic and horrific deaths are often enhanced by brief moments of hope. That’s what makes young Prince Lucerys’ death so strikingly cruel. Viewers knew something bad was bound to happen when Vhagar revealed herself at Storm’s End, but there’s a brief moment after Aemond chases Luke in the skies that he breaks through above the clouds and perhaps some thought he was free. Unfortunately, Vhagar had other ideas.

As one of the main dragons in House of the Dragon season 1, Arrax, Luke’s dragon, also makes his one and only appearance, striking back at and angering Vhagar seemingly with hope of protecting its rider. That misstep ends with Vhagar careening through the clouds to tear Arrax into pieces, thus catalyzing the Dance of the Dragons.

Queen Aemma Arryn

While the finale ended on that incredibly shocking note, the series premiere still holds the title for the most horrific death with Queen Aemma’s. Amidst the excitement for returning to Westeros, many viewers shared their reactions on Twitter to the terrifying and traumatic moment when Viserys chose to save the child over Aemma with a mortal surgery. It got a polarizing response with debates on both sides of the aisle about whether something like this is necessary to be shown on screen.

Aemma’s death hits the hardest and is made all the more horrific by the work done establishing the character earlier in the episode. She is clearly a kind and considerate character, a person who did not deserve to go out like this. While the deaths to come in House of the Dragon will primarily be on the battlefield, Aemma’s might still outrank them all.

NEXT: House of the Dragon - The 10 Most Important Dreams & Prophecies From The Books
