Karl Urban, who played Doctor "Bones" McCoy in the rebooted Star Trek film franchise, has admitted that he hasn't watched the TV series Star Trek: Discovery yet. CBS All-Access' streaming series has been a big deal since before it even premiered. The show has since become a hit for CBS' fledging streaming service and a second season was ordered well before the first season came to a close back in February.

Sonequa Martin-Green stars in Discovery as Michael Burnham, having previously played the character Sasha on AMC's zombie TV series The Walking Dead. While the show has proven somewhat divisive within the hardcore Trekkie community, Star Trek: Discovery certainly has its admirers and has become a success for CBS. Urban, however, is neither a fan nor a detractor of the series... because he hasn't watched it yet.

Related: Jason Isaacs Says Farewell to Star Trek: Discovery

Naturally, Urban has heard all the buzz about Discovery, but he wasn't quite gotten around to actually watching it. Here's what he told us when asked if he had seen Discovery, during an interview to promote his latest film Bent:

"No, not yet, but I'm really looking forward to checking it out. I hear great things about it and, you know, by all accounts I think there are elements of it from my understanding that give Star Trek a fresh perspective and I think that's something that producers and makers of Star Trek movies should strive to achieve."

With two films set to debut in 2018 and another in pre-production, the 45-year-old actor has had a lot on his plate of late. As such, Urban simply hasn't had much in the way of free time to check out Discovery yet, despite already being a part of the larger Star Trek franchise himself. Nevertheless, we also asked him whether he would be open to appearing on the series in the future, to which he replied:

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it to tell you the truth. And ultimately it would depend on the context and the material."

Urban, like other members of the Star Trek reboot series cast, is probably holding out hope more for another Star Trek movie than a cameo on Discovery. Surprisingly enough, Quentin Tarantino is reportedly developing the script for a new Star Trek movie at the moment; whether it would feature the reboot series cast or not, that remains to be seen. Urban's Star Trek costar John Cho has expressed his interested in working with Tarantino on the film, as have Star Trek veterans like Patrick Stewart and William Shatner. Depending on how thing shake out, we may or may not have seen the last of Urban's space-traveling doctor.

More: Star Trek: Discovery Would Have Been Different On Network TV

Karl Urban's new film Bent is in theaters and available on demand now.
