Shameless might have concluded, but the stars have had no shortage of opportunities. After Emma Kenny, William, H. Macy, and Noel Fisher were cast in The Conners, fans can also look forward to seeing Suzanne Cryer in the upcoming Disney+ series, Percy Jackson & The Olympians.

Wherever the stars end up, fans will be hoping they recreate some of the dialogue magic they had on the Showtime series. Throughout the 11 seasons, Shameless characters were known to say outrageous things, but there are a couple of times when their remarks proved they were good people.

“I Just Want To Be Able To Give These Kids Everything That They Deserve.”

Fiona - “A Long Way From Home” (Season 3, Episode 7)

During the hearing meant to determine who the guardian of the Gallagher children will be, Fiona makes a good case for herself. She gives reasons why Frank is poorly equipped and then expresses her desire to see her siblings get the best out of life.

It’s impressive from Fiona since she has the option of simply leaving the responsibility to the state or Frank. After all, she has had to endure plenty of challenges while taking care of the Gallagher siblings. But she doesn’t do that. Instead, she fights for them, making sure they don’t end up in the wrong hands.

“He Didn't Do The Heist. I Did... Okay, Here, Cuff Me Before I Get Disorderly.”

Frank – “Order Room Service” (Season 3, Episode 11)

Many incidents prove Frank Gallagher is a horrible father but when Carl gets arrested for a heist, he proves otherwise. Instead of letting the cops take away the youngster, Frank offers himself.

As a neglectful guardian, the normal Frank would never care what happened to Carl. For the most part, Frank always cares about protecting himself too, so watching him prevent harm from coming to someone else is as heartwarming as it is refreshing.

“I Guess I’m A Patriot”

Ian - “Summertime” (Season 2, Episode 1)

Lip isn’t too happy when he finds out Ian is trying to enlist in the army. He tries to dissuade him by laying out horror war scenarios for him, but Ian stays firm.

Being a patriot is always an admirable thing and Ian endears himself to fans by proving he is one. He understands the dangers of war, but he doesn’t see that as a reason enough to stop him from helping his country. The only unfortunate thing is that he doesn’t go about the enlisting process the right way.

"I Can Take Care Of Him, Okay? Let Me Take Care Of Him Until He's Better."

Mickey – “Lazarus” (Season 4, Episode 12)

After Ian’s diagnosis, Fiona insists on taking care of him since she experienced the same with Monica. However, Mickey fights back, insisting Ian should be by his side until he gets better.

Ordinarily, Mickey is the kind of person that would randomly get violent, commit a crime or try to hide his relationship. It’s thus surprising for him to be too keen on taking care of a sick person. At that particular moment, fans realize there is some good inside him. And from there on, they start seeing more of that from him.

“Okay. Hey? No Domestic Abuse!”

Kev – “The Legend Of Bonnie And Carl” (Season 4, Episode 9)

An argument between Mickey and Svetlana at the bar ends with the former threatening the latter. Not willing to let that happen at his establishment, Kev warns Mickey.

Mickey and Svetlana have plenty of fights on the show because of their incompatibility and even while many around them learn to see it as normal, Kev does not. To him, couples ought to live in harmony and if he witnesses any form of discord, he’ll be sure to stop it.

“I Forgive You For Everything. For Stealing My Dad's Car And Driving It Into Lake Michigan.”

Monica – “Happily Ever After” (Season 7, Episode 11)

As Frank and Monica renew their marriage vows, she tells him that she has forgiven him for all the bad things he did to her. Unfortunately, she dies the next day.

Frank’s list of sins is not only long but shocking. By forgiving them all, Monica comes off as a near-saint. At that moment it becomes clear that it’s because of him that their marriage failed. Sadly, their newfound happiness doesn’t last long.

“You Are Gorgeous, Okay? You Are Sweet. You Are Funny. You're Very Smart.”

Lip – “The Two Lisas” (Season 5, Episode 3)

Mandy happens to be feeling down, so Lips decides to encourage her. And he does that in the sweetest way possible.

Most times, Lips prefers to be nonchalant than show concern. This always gives the impression that he either cares only about himself or he doesn’t care at all. Here, he changes that narrative by even insisting to Mandy that he means what he says.

“I Do Not Show Love Regular. I Fix Bar. I Watch Kids. I Protect From Dangerous Russian.”

Svetlana – “Ouroboros” (Season 7, Episode 9)

When Kev and V try to give Svetlana a dressing down for making major decisions at the bar without them, she explains herself. She reminds them that she is a very good partner, and she only did what she is to protect the business.

Normally, Svetlana’s good deeds tend to fly under the radar but after mentioning them on this occasion, everyone finally realizes how many sacrifices she has made. Thanks to the reminder, Kev and V learn to appreciate her a lot more.

“Bullying Is Bad For Society. It Hurts People And Makes Them Feel Bad.”

Carl – “Hope Springs Paternal” (Season 4, Episode 8)

Frank is summoned to the school after a bullying incident involving Carl. After the guidance counselor advises Carl, he finally admits that bullying is bad.

It’s a surprising remark from a child that previously laughed when the principal described them as God’s mistake. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when Carl vows to never bully anyone again. This shows that with proper guidance, he can be nice. Sadly, he soon goes back to his old ways.

“Mandy, I'm Sorry. You Know I Would Have Never Said That To Your Face.”

Veronica “V” Fisher – “Where There’s A Will” (Season 3, Episode 8)

During a conversation with Fiona, V suggests that Mandy is bad for Lip. Well, Mandy happens to be listening, and when V realizes that, she is quick to apologize.

Though Mandy wants none of the apologies, V means it. She is quick to realize that it was neither right for her to meddle in Mandy’s relationship nor talk ill of her. It’s refreshing to hear her say that, given how unapologetic she normally is.

NEXT: 10 Things You Forgot From The First Episode Of Shameless