The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim recently celebrated its 11th anniversary, but it has still remained a significantly relevant game after all that time. One of the aspects of Skyrim that never gets old for many gamers is "Fus Ro Dah-ing" NPCs off of cliffs. Unrelenting Force is certainly the most well-known Shout in the game, and it proves to be useful in many circumstances.

Even though many of the other Dragon Shouts aren't as flashy or fun, most of them can provide great advantages for players in certain situations. When used well, these less-appreciated Shouts can completely change the momentum in particular circumstances, giving the Dragonborn a significant advantage.

Kyne's Peace

This Shout is rarely employed by players who have reached higher levels, but it can be incredibly helpful for moments early on during a playthrough. When spoken, Kyne's Peace calms nearby animals, stopping them in their tracks for a brief amount of time.

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For players who struggle to fend off vicious attacks from bears, sabre cats, and other wild beasts, this is a lifesaver. Even players at high levels could find it useful in rare moments if they are attacked by multiple beings at once. For that reason, it's a good Shout for players to keep in the back of their minds.

Clear Skies

Sometimes the elements can be brutal across Skyrim, preventing players from seeing clearly through fog, snow, or heavy rains. That can all be especially distracting for players who use archery as their main class. Clear Skies is able to make quick work of inclement weather, doing away with obstructing elements almost immediately.

One of the best things about Clear Skies is that the effect lasts for a long time, but it only takes fifteen seconds to recharge the Dragonborn's Shout meter. This allows players to make use of a different Shout soon after doing away with the unfortunate conditions. But Clear Skies doesn't always have to be used for a strategic purpose; sometimes, it's just nice to do away with the clouds and look up at the night sky. Skyrim is a beautiful place, after all, and it would be one of the best video game worlds to live in if it weren't for the murderous bandits running around.

Storm Call

The brutal recharge time for Storm Call usually deters most gamers from ever using this Shout in a serious situation. It takes a full ten minutes for the Dragonborn's Shout ability to recharge after using this Thu'um. This makes it absolutely necessary for players to use Dragon Aspect before Storm Call, as it will significantly reduce the recharge time.

Even though Storm Call will never be a Shout that's used frequently, it does have its uses. Whenever there are many enemies surrounding the Dragonborn - at a Forsworn camp, for instance - this Shout can be used to bring down a large number of foes without having to confront them directly. The effects are devastating and greatly cut down the time it takes to clear out a battlefield.

Ice Form

In some cases, buying more time is the most important thing that the Dragonborn has to do in order to ensure success on a quest. Being ambushed or low on health can put a quest in jeopardy. If players enter a cave and don't remember to save - a common mistake for first-time Skyrim players - then a strong foe could set them back significantly.

While many gamers use the Slow Time Shout to avoid dire situations and gain an advantage, Ice Form is a great alternative. It does take a bit more time to recharge, but Ice Form completely stops any movement a foe is currently making. They are literally frozen in place, unable to commit any further harm until they melt or the ice is broken by an attack.


In the early stages of a playthrough, Disarm proves to be a great asset for gamers who find themselves in a tight spot during combat. When hit with Disarm, enemies up to level 30 have their weapons ripped from their grasp.

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An unarmed enemy is obviously much easier to defeat than one who's equipped with a powerful weapon. Hardly anything in battle can shift the momentum more than removing the very tool that's being used against the player. Plus, it simply makes an individual feel powerful when they knock weapons out of the hands of their foes by simply using their voice.


Most Skyrim players love sending characters ragdolling with Unrelenting Force, but Cyclone has a similar effect. It sends out a strong but small tornado that launches those it hits up into the air, spinning as they go.

Cyclone can buy some much-needed time when facing multiple foes, as every character in the line of attack will be knocked to the ground after flailing around. What's more, it's an incredibly fun thing to witness several enemies be flung high into the air. It doesn't even have to be aimed at enemies, though. Perhaps the best application would be to use it on Nazeem, one of the most annoying NPCs in gaming history.

Battle Fury

When fighting alongside a group of allies, few abilities are as useful as the Battle Fury shout. This Thu'um grants others the power to wield their weapons in a manner that is quicker than otherwise possible.

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The full Shout lasts for three minutes and is most effective when fighting next to large groups of allies. The best application for this is during the civil war storyline when large armies face off against each other.

Animal Allegiance

Animal Allegiance works similarly to Kyne's Peace but with the added bonus that it causes beasts to fight alongside the Dragonborn rather than simply stopping in their attack. One of the downsides is that it takes a bit longer to recharge.

This Shout doesn't have many applicable situations, as humanoid enemies don't often attack at the same time wild animals do. However, when those situations do arise, Animal Allegiance can really turn the tide; this is especially true when players are at lower levels.


For players that don't make use of the magic class, Dismay can be a great asset when fighting with low-level characters. Those affected by this Shout flee in terror before the Dragonborn, desperate to survive. There are Illusion spells that have a similar effect, but it's one of the hardest skills in Skyrim to level up.

It does take some effort to track down enemies, and it would be nicer if their fear froze them in place, but it's still a great improvement from being actively attacked by foes. In the right situation, Dismay can make it so that rather than having to run to protect oneself, these words of power can send the opposition running.

Throw Voice

This Shout is pretty much only useful when all three words of power are obtained. If all three are spoken, the recharge time is only five seconds which means it can be used almost constantly.

It's not an incredibly exciting ability, but Throw Voice comes in handy for players who want to use stealth to achieve their goals. This Shout distracts other characters by drawing them away from the Dragonborn because of distracting voices that come from a totally different direction. This Thu'um is excellent for getting out of a tight jam when the player is being searched for by guards or enemies.

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