The Star Wars universe continues to expand with brand-new Disney+ series like Tales of the Jedi and Andor. As a result, certain eras of the franchise have been fleshed out in further detail, giving audiences even more reasons to love a galaxy far, far away.

With the pre-A New Hopecontent rampant in recent years, fans have received new insights into the formation of the Rebel Alliance and the subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. However, while certain heroes like Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo get much of the glory for the Empire's defeat, there are some Rebel leaders who simply aren't given enough credit for their contributions to the cause.

Senator Mon Mothma

Mon Mothma was a Senator for the planet of Chandrila during the final years of the Republic and the early days of the Galactic Empire. Portrayed in her younger years by Genevieve O'Reilley and in Return of the Jedi by Caroline Blakiston, Senator Mothma was one of the most important leaders in the Rebel Alliance.

Mon Mothma spent much of her time in the Imperial Senate, surrounded by the most trusted allies to the Emperor. On Coruscant, she lived under a microscope as she quietly supported the Rebels right under the Empire's nose. Eventually, she would become the political leader of the Alliance and, after the war, the New Republic's first Chancellor.

Admiral Gial Ackbar

Gial Ackbar hails from the planet Mon Cala, where he served as a general to King Lee-Char before eventually leaving his water-based homeworld to join the Rebel Alliance after the fall of the Republic. In the Alliance, Ackbar was given the rank of admiral, commanding legions of starships in the Rebel fleet.

Admiral Ackbar was instrumental in the Rebellion's success during the Battle of Yavin. Commanding a fleet of ships in their attack against the Death Star II, Ackbar ensured that Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles had the cover necessary to slip into the station's inner workings and blow it up from the inside, thereby saving the galaxy from yet another planet-destroying weapon. He also went on to serve as a leader in the Resistance until his death during the events of The Last Jedi, though his son would continue in his footsteps until the end of the war.

General Jan Dodonna

Originally portrayed by Alex McCrindle in A New Hope, General Jan Dodonna fought for the Republic during the Clone Wars and left the Empire shortly after its inception. Dodonna went on to become a leading member of the burgeoning Rebel Alliance, helping to establish their base on the moon Yavin 4.

Though General Dodonna has very little screentime in the franchise, Rogue One reveals that he was a major presence in the Alliance prior to the Battle of Scarif. It was also Dodonna who produced the Rebels' strategy during the Battle of Yavin, which led to the destruction of the first Death Star. He was unfortunately killed shortly thereafter during the ambush of Mako-Ta, though his sacrifice ensured that the Alliance would live to fight another day.

Senator Bail Organa

Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan was one of the earliest leaders within the Rebel Alliance, having always felt that something was off as he watched Sheev Palpatine rose to power. Organa served as a crucial member of the Rebellion until his offscreen death in A New Hope when Alderaan was blown up by the Death Star.

Though Organa was killed only days after the fighting in the Galactic Civil War officially broke out, his contributions to the cause cannot be understated. He served as an important political ally to the Rebels during his life and raised his adopted daughter Leia with the skills and tactics she would need to become one of the most important factors in the downfall of the Empire.

Admiral Raddus

Admiral Raddus was a Mon Calamari officer who served the Rebel Alliance in the days leading up to the Galactic Civil War. He was the commander of the Rebel starfleet prior to his death, though its resources were far smaller during his command than that of his successor, Admiral Ackbar.

Raddus was one of the few early Rebel leaders to encourage an all-out war with the Empire and, when he learned of the Rogue Squadron's unauthorized operation on Scarif, he was the first to send reinforcements to their aid. Though he died in the ensuing battle, Raddus's actions ensured that the Rebels were able to attain their valuable asset, leading to the destruction of the Death Star.

Saw Gerrera

Saw Gerrera, portrayed in live-action by Forest Whitaker, is an extremist Rebel leader who engaged in guerilla warfare against the Empire long before the Alliance became an official organization. He worked within his own operation, finding himself mostly unwelcome when it came to membership in the main Rebel Alliance.

Though Saw Gerrera was killed shortly before the Galactic Civil War officially broke out on Scarif, his operation ensured that the Empire was always kept on its toes. He took as much from the tyrannical organization as he could during his life and, though his tactics were unsavory at best, he made sure that others were ready to fight in his stead.

Luthen Rael

Stellan Skarsgaard's Luthen Rael is one of the most interesting characters introduced in Andor, as he spearheads his own operation to bring down the Empire bit by bit. Devoting everything he has to the destruction of the Empire, Luthen has contacts all across the galaxy waiting to complete operations at his command.

Though Luthen's fate after the events of Andor remains unknown, it is clear that he was instrumental in recruiting fighters to the cause. He was undoubtedly the most careful leader in the early days of the Rebellion, keeping his operations as secretive as possible to allow other Rebel leaders the time necessary to build their forces — and their courage.

General Carlist Rieekan

General Carlist Rieekan makes his only live-action appearance in The Empire Strikes Back, where he is portrayed by Bruce Boa. He was the commander of the Rebel forces at Echo Base during the Battle of Hoth, which saw the Empire attack the Rebels with all its available resources.

As the commander of Echo Base, it was Rieekan's responsibility to ensure that the Rebel forces evacuated the planet during the Battle of Hoth. Had he failed in this endeavor, the Rebellion would have been crushed in one swift stroke. He and the other Rebel leaders were able to escape the Empire, however, living to fight another day. Rieekan himself would go on to support the Rebellion in the final days of the Galactic Civil War and even aided the Resistance in their struggle against the First Order.

General Hera Syndulla

Hera Syndulla is a featured character in the animated series Star Wars: Rebels. She was the commander of the Ghost, carrying out personal Rebel missions prior to joining the Rebel Alliance. After joining the organization, Hera became a valuable asset to its leaders, eventually being promoted to general.

General Syndulla was by far the Rebellion's most valuable asset from within the team formerly known as the Phoenix Cell. She went on to command the Phoenix Squadron during several battles, including the Battle of Scarif and fought alongside her Rebel allies until the end of the Galactic Civil War.

Commander Jun Sato

Commander Jun Sato was an early leader in the Rebel Alliance who makes his only canon appearances in Star Wars: Rebels. Sato worked closely with Hera Syndulla and the Phoenix rebel cell but was eventually killed by Imperial forces prior to the Battle of Yavin.

Sato was instrumental in establishing several Rebel bases during their early struggle against the Empire. Ultimately, he was forced to sacrifice his own life for the cause but ensured that he took down his Imperial foes in the process. His legacy lived on, however, in the lives he saved, including that of Ezra Bridger, the young Jedi Padawan who would eventually defeat Grand Admiral Thrawn, one of the Rebellion's biggest threats.

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