Andy Serkis’ acclaimed performance as Imperial prison floor manager Kino Loy in Andor has made him the latest Star Wars actor to play more than one role in a galaxy far, far away. Serkis previously played Supreme Leader Snoke in the sequel trilogy, but Kino’s heartbreaking arc gave the actor much more depth and pathos to chew on.

Plenty of other actors have shown their range with multiple Star Wars roles, like Warwick Davis, voice actor extraordinaire Dee Bradley Baker, and even Mark Hamill himself.

10 Andy Serkis

After his roles as Gollum, Caesar, and King Kong made him the go-to guy for motion-capture performances, Andy Serkis was recruited for the motion-capture role of Supreme Leader Snoke in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. After Snoke was criticized as an underdeveloped rehash of the Emperor, Serkis got a second chance to show off his acting abilities in a Star Wars project with his turn as Kino Loy in Andor.

The role of Kino gave Serkis a more complex and engaging arc in just a couple of episodes of Andor than the role of Snoke gave him in an entire movie trilogy.

9 Kenny Baker

Kenny Baker’s face might not be familiar to casual moviegoers, but his work certainly is. Baker is the actor who brought R2-D2 to life. Combined with Ben Burtt’s masterful sound design, Baker managed to make a lovable character out of a rolling tin can.

And Baker’s contributions to the Star Wars saga didn’t stop there; he also played the Ewok character Paploo in Return of the Jedi.

8 Sam Witwer

Voice actor Sam Witwer first made a name for himself among the Star Wars fan base when he provided the voice and likeness for Darth Vader’s secret apprentice Starkiller in The Force Unleashed video game. Then, Witwer rose to prominence with his nuanced turn as Maul across various animated series.

Since then, he’s also played “The Son” in The Clone Wars, Emperor Palpatine in Rebels, and made cameo appearances in a bunch of other Star Wars projects – most recently in Andor as an Imperial Shoretrooper.

7 Temuera Morrison

Since making his debut in Attack of the Clones, Temuera Morrison has played more Star Wars characters than anyone: 200,000 units with a million more well on the way. Morrison was the genetic template that the Kamino cloners used for the Grand Army of the Republic.

After playing bounty hunter Jango Fett and all his clones in the prequel trilogy, Morrison went on to play his son Boba in the post-Return of the Jedi timeline of The Mandalorian and its spin-offs.

6 Warwick Davis

Warwick Davis made his on-screen debut as a child actor when he played the Ewok character Wicket W. Warrick in Return of the Jedi. He’s since played a bunch of different characters in the Star Wars universe.

Davis can be spotted playing various minor roles in The Phantom Menace, Solo, Rogue One, and all three sequel movies.

5 Dee Bradley Baker

Dee Bradley Baker doesn’t just provide the voices for Captain Rex and Commander Cody; he plays every single clone in the animated shows. He plays all five members of the titular group of defective clones in The Bad Batch.

It’s no easy feat to play the entire main cast of a show and make them all distinctive individual characters with their own interpersonal dynamics, but Baker makes it look easy.

4 Silas Carson

Thanks to the heavy application of make-up and prosthetics, actor Silas Carson was able to disappear into two different roles in all three prequel movies: Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, known for expressing concern about the droid attack on the Wookiees, and Viceroy Nute Gunray.

Carson also played the smaller roles of Lott Dod and Antidar Williams in The Phantom Menace, but reduced his workload to his two main Star Wars roles in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

3 Jeremy Bulloch

The late Jeremy Bulloch played Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The actor handed the role over to Daniel Logan for the young version seen in Attack of the Clones and later to Temuera Morrison for all his post-Return of the Jedi adventures. Bulloch’s initial performance as Fett defined the cold-as-ice gunslinger and made him a Star Wars icon with very little screen time.

After relinquishing the role of Fett, Bulloch returned to a galaxy far, far away to make a cameo appearance as Captain Colton in Revenge of the Sith.

2 Anthony Daniels

C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels is a mime artist by trade, which made him the perfect actor to give a life-like performance from inside a Tin Man costume. Thanks to Daniels’ eccentric performance, Threepio quickly became an icon and remains beloved to this day.

Daniels played Threepio in every chapter of the Skywalker saga and also appeared as Dannl Faytonni in the prequel trilogy and Tak in Solo, which made him the only actor to show up in every single theatrically released Star Wars movie.

1 Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill’s most famous Star Wars role – and the most famous role of his career – is, of course, Luke Skywalker. But Hamill is also a renowned voice actor known for his vocal performances as the Joker and Chucky, and he put those talents to use in other Star Wars roles.

Throughout the sequel trilogy, Hamill played voice roles as Canto Bight gambler Dobbu Scay in The Last Jedi and decapitated Resistance spy Boolio in The Rise of Skywalker.

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