HBO's The Last of Us series is only weeks away from its Jan. 15, 2023 premiere, and in anticipation, many gamers will find themselves revisiting the spectacular survival horror title on which it's based. Die-hard fans have already played the game multiple times, but this means that going back in for another playthrough may just feel even more tedious than the last.

Despite The Last of Us' new-classic status, there are some harsh realities new players have to face. From the dimished shock value to having to watch favorite characters die all over again, its not easy to relive the horrors of the game.

Isn’t As Challenging The Second Time Around

During the first play through, struggling to fight against the infected enemies of the game is a high-tension battle between life and death, not knowing exactly what is going to jump out from behind a corner.

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However, the second time around, there is a definite decrease in adrenaline that just can’t be overlooked. When players remember the precise areas where jump scares and powerful foes reside, like stalkers, it takes away a lot of the genuine distress of playing through the game that fans have come to enjoy.

It's Hard To Watch Joel and Ellie Be Betrayed Again

The Last of Us is filled with more than a few heart-wrenching betrayals, like when the Fireflies reveal their true motives with Ellie, to use her brain in order to find a cure. Even as early as the first chapter of Part I, two-faced characters begin to chip away at the player’s trust.

Instead of feeling shocked for being tricked, fans just feel even worse for Joel and Ellie, unable to catch a break in the dog-eat-dog of the game. On top of this, knowing what is coming but being powerless to counteract any of it can make the player feel helpless or become numb to the wrongdoings.

Bloaters Are Just As Annoying

With possibly one of the worst video game universes to live in, The Last of Us is home to many horrific and deformed creatures that would send most people running in the opposite direction. The heaviest hitters of the game take a bit to become accustomed to, making for a risky interaction each time.

Bloaters in particular always pose an abominable threat when first encountered, and remain a pain to run into. As they move slowly then spontaneously sprint to knock down whatever lies in their way, all with thick fungal armor and the ability to throw pustules that emits a toxic cloud, the heavily infected creature is a complete menace. They can somehow be that much more annoying when facing them during a second or third run of the game, simply because the player is less fearful of them and might find them to be just another chore to tend to instead of terrifyingly entertaining to face.

Plot Twists Are Unsurprising Yet Sad

Though they still strike a chord, plot twists never feel as jaw-dropping the second time around, no matter how effective they once were.

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From Ellie's immunity in Left Behind to finding out the true intention of the Fireflies in Part I, each spiral of fate was one of the guiding lights that caused it to earn multiple Game of the Year awards. Every distinguishing moment that left a heavy impact on players hurts just as much, but loses its inherent shock factor, leaving fans with a dull pain in their hearts.

The Farmhouse Conversation Stings Even More

Once the player knows the events that follow after Joel and Ellie make it to the farmhouse, they will dread having to go through the jagged emotions that come with the conversation that happens there. In one of The Last of Us Part I’s best interactions, the son-daughter duo Joel decides to leave Ellie with Tommy and go their separate ways, Ellie gives a disheartening monologue.

Watching Ellie desperately try to convince Joel to not leave, by digging up her own deep-rooted insecurities and comparing herself to Joel’s deceased daughter (to no avail), the player can't help but cringe at the coldness of the man. This becomes an astoundingly profound moment as fans remember the plot line going forward, like Ellie's capture by David, and especially of the tragic events that unfold in The Last of Us Part II.

Players Must Handicap Themselves To Keep Combat Interesting

After multiple playthroughs, players are better off getting creative with their weapon usage to spice up fights and keep the game challenging. Although, this can also make the game way too tedious and more slowly paced.

Without the threat of being murdered by foes, The Last of Us loses quite a bit of its edge, even with its incredible story and characters. Elements that keep the game engaging may be better conserved by weakening oneself in the face of danger, though it can never reach the same dire feeling as before it was played.

The Ending Is Less Fulfilling

As one of the best third-person horror games ever, it's a no-brainer that the ending of The Last of Us Part I would be memorable and impactful, even though it was riddled with a distinct sorrow.

When Joel lies to Ellie about what happened after the Firefly hospital, players don't know who to feel bad for more. Regardless, Joel finding a new meaning in Ellie's presence is moving and significant, but now that fans know the harsh realities of Part II, the ending of its prequel become noticeably less fulfilling.

Watching Ellie’s Innocence Dissipate Is Even More Painful

The wise-cracking Ellie, who seems a bit too mature for her age already, becomes toughened by her many traumatizing experiences. The peak (and nearly the end of) her innocence is shown after she murders David and Joel embraces her with the warmest hug, comforting her while calling her his "baby girl."

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Unfortunately, despite Joel's best efforts of desperately trying to preserve a piece of the child left in her, Ellie turns bitter and vengeful in The Last of Us Part II. Being aware of what is to come for the girl makes fans want to cry for the loss of her childhood and a happy adult life.

Escaping The Firefly Hospital Is Just As Tricky

Part I certainly saves the hardest are for last, the excruciating final fight to escape from the FIrefly hospital in Salt Lake City forcing players to evade armored and heavily armed soldiers that could kill Joel in a split second.

As players put their skills to the test the next time around, they will quickly discover that the battle is just as difficult as it was the first time, even with having the knowledge of what's going to happen. The thematic elements of the scene are something that all fans look forward to seeing in the HBO series, witnessing Joel trying to work his way around Saint Mary's hospital as a leap of faith for Ellie's life.

Character Deaths Hurt More

The voice actors did such an incredible job of highlighting the distraught tone of the scenes before their demise, that they will never be forgotten by fans. Watching moments like Tess's last stand or Sam and Henry's tragic deaths becomes a substantial weight on the shoulders of the player, no matter how many times they've played the game.

Joel's death in Part II hurts the most of all, knowing how Ellie had cut him off for lying to her and shunned him from being fatherly towards her, just tot regret it deeply after Joel is murdered by Abby. Not only do fans have to mourn Joel, but having to watch Ellie spiral into madness at the loss of her father figure after treating him so poorly pushes the knife deeper.

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