The Uncharted series was only ever available on Sony consoles, but now, PC gamers can play the seminal franchise too, as the Legacy of Thieves collection is now available. The collection packages all of Nathan Drake's adventures together, and PC gamers will now understand what all the fuss was about and why Nate is such a beloved video game character.

However, Nate isn't perfect, and what some would call funny personality quirks, others would call genuinely psychotic behavior. That has led to a wealth of memes surrounding the character's relationship with Elena, his love of unnecessarily killing enemies, and his estranged family members, which are just as hilarious as they are true.

Nate And Elena's Rocky Relationship

Ever since the first Uncharted game, Elena and Nate have always bickered, which even predated their relationship. But in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, they were finally settled down. At least they were until Drake decided to sneak off with his long-lost brother to find a pirate's treasure.

Nate kept these details close to his chest and didn't keep in contact with Elena. And even after he admitted everything to her when she randomly found him on an uncharted island, she still had no idea that he had stolen expensive artifacts from an auction, destroyed most of Madagascar, and, of course, murdered thousands of people.

Nate And The Many Collapsing Bridges

This meme could be referring to any one of the Uncharted games, as Nate finds himself at the mercy of a collapsing bridge in every single game, whether it's in Iram of the Pillars in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception or in Madagascar in A Thief's End. And every single time, Nate survives without a scratch and sums up the experience with a ridiculous one-liner.

A collapsing bridge is even one of the defining moments of Nate and Elena's relationship, as Uncharted: Drake's Fortune sees Nate save Elena from falling to her death when walking over a rickety bridge. Collapsing bridges have seemingly unintentionally become a trademark in the Uncharted series.

Sully Exploits Nate

While Nate clearly enjoys the adventures he goes on, he's almost always pressured into it by Sully, probably because he's spent all his money on "too many big bar tabs in Lima," and he needs to dig up some more lost treasure. The light was shed on how Sully and Nate first met in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, and it turns out that Sully had taken Nate under his wing when he was just a teenager.

But it wasn't for anything other than financial security. Nate knew so much about Iram of the Pillars when he was so young, and he also proved that he was a skilled pick-pocket and had the gift of the gab. Sully essentially had dollar signs in his eyes when he looked at Nate.

Drake Has A Weak Immune System

This meme refers to Drake's Deception, as Talbot and Marlowe often drug their enemies. And when Marlowe drugs Nate, he immediately passes out, and based on how Marlowe says "under our clutches for quite some time," he could either be out for hours or even days.

However, when Charlie Cutter was drugged earlier in the game, the effect wore off after just five minutes. Either it's one of the many Uncharted plot holes, Nate is given a bigger dose than Charlie, or Nate simply has such a weak immune system. Either way, the immediate effect the drug has on him is hilarious, and it isn't all that different from the screenshot of King of the Hill.

Nate Is A Merciless Killer... Then Laughs About It

Nate is one of the most charismatic and lovable playable video game characters ever, and his love of explorations rubs off on gamers as well as his interest in centuries-old artifacts. But in actual fact, not only is he not that nice of a guy, but Nate is a straight-up serial killer.

Over the course of four games, the character massacres thousands of people, and it sometimes isn't even in a "kill or be killed" kind of way. Nate kills people in situations where murder doesn't have to be the solution. What makes his actions even more sinister is that after killing somebody, he'll turn to sully and crack a joke about it.

Literal Gravity-Defying Stunts

The whole Uncharted series is full of incredible platforming, but it's sometimes so easy it's ridiculous. Nate lands jumps that even Dominic Toretto in the Fast and Furious series would find unbelievable. Sometimes, gamers will often not know which direction to go in because the actual jump the game wants players to make looks impossible, and like it'll result in Nate falling to his death.

However, what makes things worse is that jumps that look easy, especially compared to the impossible leaps of faith that Nate had previously landed, are totally impossible and will kill Nate as soon as he hits a rock. While Naughty Dog's gameplay and mechanics have become the gold standard in platform gaming, there are still some major problems with the console games.

Flynn Aged Nate

Flynn betraying Nate was one of the most predictable twists in the Uncharted series, and everyone saw it coming from a mile away. The character was acting shady from the very first scene, and Nate, as smart as he is, should have seen it coming too.

Nevertheless, after he is betrayed by Flynn, Nate is sent to jail, and he quickly loses his mind and is left to rot in a disgusting prison cell. This meme brilliantly compares the transition to two different Willem Dafoe characters, one of which is the fast and agile Klaus Daimler from The Life Aquatic and the other is the rough and exhausted lighthouse keeper Thomas Wake from The Lighthouse.

Nate Worried About Survival

Nate has somehow survived so many instances in which he should have been killed several times over, and while movies are guilty of it most, Nate is protected by so much plot armor. The narrative often draws attention to this too, as Nate is constantly worried about the odds of survival with each mission.

However, in the very next sequence, he's running, gunning, and belly-laughing all the way to the secret city and/or lost treasure. The meme excellently grabs a screenshot of Oh Il-Nam having the time of his life in Squid Game, but everyone around him is lying in a pool of their own blood.

Sam's First Adventure

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End should have won Game of the Year in 2016, as it tells such an engaging story while still having amazing gameplay and some thrilling action sequences. However, one glaring plot hole comes in the form of Sam, Nate's long-lost brother who had never once been mentioned in the previous games.

In the 2016 game, he convinces Nate to go on one more adventure, in which Sam is bullish, hotheaded, and greedy. Just like in the meme, he absolutely needs to be put on a leash, especially as he almost destroys Nate's home life with Elena. Having said that, there should still totally be an Uncharted 5 starring Sam and Sully.

Nate's Lies

This meme hilariously uses Wong's very brief appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home to break down Elena and Nate's relationship, seemingly comparing them to Wong and Doctor Strange. The image points out that even Nate promising not to lie is a lie.

And even though they settled down and built a home and family together, their beach house artifact-filled cupboard is probably just as full of secrets that Elena doesn't know about. However, in fairness, Elena is just as guilty of lying as Nate, as she lies throughout the first Uncharted game, and while it isn't exactly a lie, she had a big hand in keeping her and Nate's murder-filled past lives hidden from their daughter.

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